Page 103 - EW Oct 2023_new
P. 103

Capt. Rohit Sen Bajaj, direc-
                                                                           tor of the Pathways School, Gur-
                                                                           gaon (PSG, estb.2010) is “honoured
                                                                           and privileged” that PSG is ranked
                                                                           among  India’s  Top  3  international
                                                                           day schools and #1 in Delhi NCR. “The
                                                                           national Top 3 rank will motivate our
                                                                           entire team to continue to strive for
                                                                           all-round educational innovation and
                                                                           excellence. We were one of the first IB
                                                                           continuum schools to introduce the IB
                                                                           Career-related Programme last year
                                                                           enabling students to prepare better
                                                                           for higher education and chosen ca-
                                                                           reers, and one of two schools in India
                                                                           to host the IB’s Festival of Hope 2023.
                                                                           It’s very reassuring to learn that Path-
                                                                           ways Gurgaon has been awarded high
         Pathways Gurgaon’s Capt. Bajaj: motivational ranking              scores for faculty competence and
                                                                           curriculum and pedagogy, because
         recruited many more teachers and   Narsee International School,   high-quality teachers and pedagogy
         school leaders, improving our teach-  Mumbai  at  #3  (3)  jointly  ranked   innovations  are  our  school’s  defin-
         er-pupil ratio to 1:6,” says Nita Am-  with the Pathways  School, Gur-  ing features. We have  successfully
         bani, founder-chairperson of DAIS   gaon (4). Utpal Shanghvi Global   incorporated  design  thinking,  col-
         and Reliance Foundation (estb.2010),   School, Mumbai is promoted to #4   laborative and experiential learning
         the philanthropic initiative of Reli-  (5) co-ranked with JBCN Interna-  pedagogies which have transformed
         ance Industries. Currently, DAIS has   tional School, Parel, Mumbai   our classrooms into vibrant learning
         an enrolment of 1,087 students men-  (#6)  followed  by  The Riverside   spaces where children explore, ques-
         tored by 197 teachers.           School, Ahmedabad at #5 (7). No-  tion,  inquire  and  apply  knowledge.
           According to Ambani, DAIS is   tably, the Top 5 table is dominated   We are fully committed to nurturing
         at “the cusp of an exciting transfor-  by schools sited in Mumbai — India’s   compassionate global citizens,” says
         mational  journey  as  we  are  eagerly   commercial  and  financial  capital   Bajaj. Currently, PSG has 1,575 stu-
         preparing to unveil the Nita Mukesh   which contributes 30 percent of all   dents mentored by 270 teachers on
         Ambani Junior School”. “This state-  income tax collections in the country.  its muster rolls.
         of-the-art campus will feature flexible
         learning spaces, seamless technology   Oberoi International, Mumbai students
         integration, modern laboratories for
         hands-on learning, comprehensive
         facilities for sports and co-curricular
         activities. Led by our Vice-Chairper-
         son, Isha Ambani Piramal, the focus
         of this new school will be on empow-
         ering learners with inspirational, ex-
         periential and futuristic education,”
         adds Nita Ambani.
           While DAIS has maintained its
         dominant position at top table, fur-
         ther down there are minor rearrange-
         ments in the seating order. Aditya
         Birla World Academy, Mumbai
         has retained its #2 rank (#2 in 2022-
         23) jointly with the Oberoi Inter-
         national School, Mumbai (2) and
         Ecole Mondiale World School,
         Mumbai  followed  by  Jamnabai

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