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           Beyond the Top 5, there has been
         major upheaval in the league table of
         India’s most respected international
         day schools. Ascend International
         School, Mumbai has lost ground
         and is ranked #6 (4) jointly with Po-
         dar International School, Santa-
         cruz  (W),  Mumbai (6) and  KC
         High Chennai (5).
           The  mint-new  Learners Inter-
         national School, Noida has made
         a respectable debut at #7. Bombay
         International School  has been
         awarded  a  big  promotion  and  is
         ranked #7 (13) jointly with CHIREC
         International  School,  Hyder-
         abad  (9).  Ahmedabad Interna-
         tional School has also risen in public
         esteem and is ranked #8 (14) jointly
         with  Legacy School, Bengaluru   CHIREC International’s Sanchita Raha: #1 Hyderabad satisfaction
         (8) and CP Goenka International
         School, Oshiwara, Mumbai (8).    us  among  India’s  Top  10  interna-  tial promotions. Among them: Vikaa-
         Heritage International Xperien-  tional day  schools. I credit our  up-  sa World School, Madurai to #12
         tial School, Gurugram is ranked   ward trajectory to our commitment   (#21  in  2022-23),  JBCN Interna-
         #9 (10) jointly with Mahindra In-  to academic excellence, a culture of   tional School, Oshiwara, Mum-
         ternational School, Pune (#10).   lifelong learning, students’ emotional   bai to #15 (20), DPS International
         Three Mumbai schools share the #10   well-being, effective leadership, and   Edge, Gurugram to #20 (25) and
         rank — Ryan Global School, And-  robust community support. Our well-  Prakriti School, Noida to #21 (72).
         heri (10), Rustomjee Cambridge   trained teachers provide exceptional   Several  previously  unranked
         International School (12) and    teaching-learning as reflected in our   schools have also debuted. Promi-
         Chatrabhuj Narsee School, Kan-   high scores under the parameters of   nent among them are Adani Inter-
         divali East (12).                academic reputation and curriculum   national, Ahmedabad at #17, Ruh
           It’s  pertinent  to  note  that  24   and  pedagogy.  Moreover,  over  the   Continuum School, Coimbatore
         schools are ranked in the Top 10, in-  past year, our emphasis has been on   at #20 and  JBCN International
         dicating a demand upsurge for high-  strengthening the school’s Culture of   School, Chembur, Mumbai at
         quality international day schools as   Care and improving social and emo-  #27.
         well as intense competition inter se   tional  well-being  services.  We  have   While high rank in the national
         to attract best students and teachers.   successfully integrated SEL modules   league table of international day
           Sanchita Raha, principal of    into classroom instruction, resulting   schools is important as it enables
         CHIREC  International,  Hyder-   in discernible improvements in stu-  countrywide comparisons under each
         abad (estb.1989) is pleased that the   dents learning outcomes. Therefore   parameter, at best it confers bragging
         school has improved its national rank   we feel we deserve higher scores under   rights. For obvious reasons, civic rank
         from #9 last year to #7 in 2023-24,   the parameter of social and emotional   is most important for all day schools.
         and in particular that it is top-ranked   well-being  services,”  says  Raha,  an   Thus schools ranked modestly in
         in  the  state  of  Telangana  (pop.38.2   alumna of Calcutta and Jadavpur uni-  the national table enjoy high repu-
         million).                        versities with over 24 years of rich and   tation in large, populous cities. For
           “We  are  overjoyed  to  learn  that   varied education experience (Heritage   instance, Choitram International
         CHIREC is ranked #1 in Hyderabad   School, Kolkata and Asian University   ranked  India  #28  is  Indore’s  top-
         and Telangana despite the phenom-  for Women, Chittagong, Bangladesh),    ranked international day school;
         enal increase in the number of inter-  appointed principal of the school in   Bloomingdale International, Vi-
         national day schools in this city and   2019. Currently, CHIREC has 1,505   jayawada ranked #26 nationally is
         state. However, we were expecting a   students and 142 teachers on its mus-  numero uno in Vijayawada (pop.2.2
         higher national ranking. Neverthe-  ters.                         million) and Billabong High Inter-
         less, we are thankful to your survey   Further  down  the  table,  some   national, Kanpur Cant, all-India
         respondents for consistently ranking   schools have been awarded substan-  #80 is #1 in Kanpur (pop.3.2 million).

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