Page 134 - EW Oct 2023_new
P. 134




         Day-cum-boarding schools
         offer a win-win proposition:
         day scholars benefit from
         the excellent infrastructure
         and sports facilities built for
         boarders, the latter by way
         of student body diversity.
         Therefore it’s unsurprising
         that the number of
         international day-cum-
         boarding schools is rising
         countrywide year on year

             nternational day-cum-boarding   IIS-B’s Sarojini Rao (left) & Gen. Ray: continuous future-readiness
             schools are the glamour section
             of the annual EW India School   India.                        deja vu about it. This year’s 18,928
         IRankings. Sited on sprawling      Last month, Harrow School      sample respondents polled by the
         campuses bristling with state-of-the-  (estb.1572), the world-famous British   Delhi-based Centre for Forecast-
         art infrastructure on the outskirts   boys boarding school which has 12   ing and Research (C fore) have
         of metros and big cities, they admit   campuses worldwide, inaugurated   again voted Indus International
         day scholars and boarders, and offer   its first India co-ed boarding campus   School, Bengaluru India’s #1
         transformative pedagogies, academ-  in Bengaluru in partnership with the   international day-cum-boarding
         ic, co-curricular and sports educa-  Amity Group, offering day and week-  school awarding it the highest score
         tion facilities of global standards and   ly boarding options. Likewise, Wel-  among all categories of international
         high-quality teachers, often expatri-  lington College, another venerable   schools, followed by Pathways
         ate headmasters. Another win-win   British boarding school (estb.1853),   World School, Gurgaon, ranked
         proposition is that day scholars   inaugurated a day-cum-boarding   #2 jointly with The International
         benefit from the excellent infrastruc-  campus in Pune on September 14,   School Bangalore and Green-
         ture and sports facilities built for   in partnership with the Dehradun-  wood High International, Ben-
         boarders, the latter by way of student   based Unison Group.      galuru at #3.
         body diversity.                    Since they are barely a few      Despite the International Bac-
           Therefore, it’s unsurprising that   months old, these mint-new day-  calaureate (IB)-affiliated Indus
         the number of international day-  cum-boarding schools have not been   International School, Bengaluru
         cum-boarding schools countrywide   included in the EWISR 2023-24 field   (IIS-B, estb.2003) having topped this
         is rising year on year. Against 28   survey which concluded in July-  category for over a decade, principal
         schools ranked in this category in   August. However, they are likely to   Sarojini Rao expresses delight
         2016-17, the number has risen to   disrupt the league table of India’s   that IIS-B is ranked India #1 for the
         45 in EWISR 2023-24. Moreover,   best international day-cum-boarding   12th consecutive year with top scores
         their increasing popularity within   schools next year.           under the parameters of teacher wel-
         the country’s upper middle class has   Meanwhile, the EWISR 2023-24   fare and development, leadership/
         prompted globally renowned foreign   league table of international day-  management quality, community
         boarding schools to set up shop in   cum-boarding schools has a placid   service and curriculum and pedagogy

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