Page 136 - EW Oct 2023_new
P. 136


         Bengaluru, is “very pleased” that this
         IB-affiliated school has been steadily
         moving up the EWISR league table of
         India’s most admired international
         day-cum-boarding schools — from
         #14 in 2018-19 to #9 in 2022-23 and
         #7 this year.
           “The steady ascent of SNIS in
         the transparent and trusted EWISR
         league tables is an honour for our
         entire school community. We are
         one of the city’s few IB continuum
         schools offering the primary years,
         middle years and IB diploma study
         programmes, and as such fully
         committed to providing globally
         benchmarked education. Our 60-acre
         modern campus provides excellent
         facilities for children encouraged to
         play at least two sports; our IBDP   LMOIS’ Dr. Bhavanishankar (centre) with alumni: motivational top rank
         results are above global average
         with the highest score 43/45; and   with our top scores under the   800 students on its musters.
         more important, our teacher-pupil   parameters of academic reputation   Further down the 45-strong
         ratio is 1:10 enabling our faculty to   and social and mental well-being   league table of India’s most admired
         provide individual attention and   services. These two parameters are   international day-cum-boarding
         mentoring to students. This explains   mutually reinforcing as social and   schools, several institutions have
         why the EW survey respondents have   emotional well-being is the prereq-  been awarded huge promotions.
         awarded SNIS high scores under the   uisite of learning. All our students   Among them: Kings College
         parameters of individual attention   practice heartfulness meditation   India, Rohtak, ranked #14 (#26
         to students, infrastructure provision,   and are encouraged to participate in   in 2022-23) jointly with Alphabet
         academic reputation, sports and   co-curricular, sports and community   International School, Chennai
         co-curricular education,” says Reddy,   outreach programmes. In fact, after   (#21), Manchester International
         an alumna of Houston Baptist and   the pandemic we have made special   School, Coimbatore #15 (#23),
         Houston universities with rich   efforts to upgrade sports facilities   Chettinad Sarvalokaa Educa-
         corporate experience in the US,   and introduce several community   tion International, Chennai
         Canada, Mexico, France, Argentina,   service programmes,” says Bhavanis-  #16 (#20), The White School,
         and Colombia, who (together with   hankar, an alum of Madras Univer-  Kozhikode #17 (#30) jointly with
         husband Nagaraj) moved to India in   sity and the Medical University of   CPS Global School, Thirumazhi-
         2008 to establish SNIS.          South Carolina, USA, and former   sai (#28), and Rungta Public
           Likewise Dr. S. Bhavanishan-   principal of the well-reputed Chetti-  School, Bhilai to #20 (#29).
         kar, director of the Lalaji Memori-  nad Vidyashram, Chennai. Currently,   Several previously unranked
         al Omega International School,   this Cambridge and IB-affiliated   schools have also debuted in the
         Chennai (LMOIS, estb.2005), is   K-12 day-cum-boarding school has   2023-24 league table indicating
         very satisfied that the EWISR survey                              rising public demand for day-
         respondents have promoted this                                    cum-boarding schools providing
         new millennium day-cum-boarding   Several previously unranked     international certification. They
         school to #8 nationally, and top-  schools have debuted in        include Taktse International
         ranked it in Tamil Nadu (pop.67                                   School, Gangtok at #24, Monte
         million).                        the 2023-24 league table         International School, Kurnool
           “This endorsement by knowledge-  indicating rising public       and Prudence International
         able K-12 education stakeholders will                             School, Panvel, Navi Mumbai
         motivate all of us at LMOIS to strive   demand for day-cum-       jointly ranked #26, Sri Prakash
         for continuous improvement on all   boarding schools providing    Vidyaniketan, Visakhapatnam
         14 benchmarks of school education   international certification   and Ameya World School, Vi-
         excellence. I am especially pleased                               sakhapatnam jointly ranked #28.

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