Page 14 - EW Oct 2023_new
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                                          ment.                            to us this year giving valid reasons.
                                            We look forward to building on        Dharambir Yadav, Principal
                                          this achievement and continuing      Surmount International School,
                                          to make positive contributions in                  GORAKHPUR
                                          education.                             (See Editor’s comment above)
                                                          Pravin Sonavane
                                                   Principal, KPPS, JALGAON
                                                                           Missing asterisk
                                                                           In the recent comprehensive EW-
                                          Restore rightful position!       ISR 2023-24 rankings issue (EW
                                          We have highly valued Education-  September), we discovered that The
                                          World’s #1 Day-cum-Boarding      Mann School, Delhi has not been
                                          School award in Warangal city for   star marked for taking the CENTA
                                          four years until last year when we   test. Yet our teachers have taken this
                                          were ranked a disappointing #2.  online test. I am worried this may
                                            A franchisee of the reputed DPS   have had some implication on our
                 SEPTEMBER 2023           Society, known for its commit-   school’s ranking as it is a cut-throat
                                          ment to “service before self”, DPS,   competition at the top.
                                          Warangal’s 12-acre campus hosts an   Would be grateful if you could
                                          Olympic-size swimming pool, sports   make necessary amends.
         Welcome evolution
                                          fields, and skilled coaches which               S. Sriram, Principal
         Congratulations for bringing out the   provide our students well-balanced    The Mann School, DELHI
         humongous 394-page Education-    academic, co-curricular and sports
         World India School Rankings 2023-  education. With over 250 awards in-
         24 Part I (EW September).        cluding recognition by the Governor   Omitted stars
           It’s compelling evidence of your   of Telangana, and an AAAA+ rating,   We draw your attention to the fact
         claim that it is the world’s most   we stand as a beacon of quality edu-  that despite our teachers and stu-
         comprehensive and detailed schools   cation and service.          dents having taken the CENTA on-
         rating and ranking survey. Special   We believe our school deserves   line and LogIQids Students Critical
         thanks for including sports education   top spot. We respectfully urge you   Thinking tests, the single and double
         and mental and emotional well-being   to reconsider and acknowledge DPS   stars are missing from the co-ed
         services as parameters to assess   Warangal’s rightful position as the   schools national league table where
         schools which have since returned to   #1 day-cum-boarding school.  our school features (EW September).
         normalcy post-pandemic.               Pillai Manjumol Shivashankar             Nita Arora, Director,
                            Maria Joseph          Principal, DPS, WARANGAL     Sri Venkateshwar International
                                  NOIDA                                       School, Sector-18, Dwarka, Delhi
                                          Please note the sample respondents
                                          change every year. Moreover, it’s   We regret these errors. Please rest
         Heartfelt gratitude              important to raise your school’s   assured that all test scores have
         On behalf of the entire Kashinath   public profile — Editor       been duly considered by the survey
         Palod Public School (KPSS), Jalgaon                               team — Editor
         community, we express our heartfelt
         gratitude to EducationWorld, the   Unacceptable rank
         judges, and everyone involved in   We believe Surmount International   Corrigendum
         the selection process. Your recogni-  School is Gorakhpur’s best co-ed day   In the co-ed day school category of
         tion means a lot to us, and we are   school in every aspect of education   EWISR 2023-24, while Brahm Dutt
         inspired to continue our journey   excellence. We are the first school to   Blue Bells Public School, Sector 10,
         towards educational excellence.  introduce AI-Robotics, offer 14 in-  Gurugram has been rightly ranked
           Our Top 5 award in Jalgaon city   novative hobby clubs and equip our   in the national and Gurugram city
         is huge motivation for our students,   students to win cricket/basketball/  tables, its name in the Delhi NCR
         teachers, and staff to continue striv-  table-tennis tournaments organised   state table has been inadvertently
         ing for excellence, and reflects our   in the region.             published as Blue Bells Public
         unwavering commitment towards      Therefore our #6 rank in Gorakh-  School, Sector 10, Gurugram. Please
         providing high-quality education in   pur is unacceptable to us. My humble   correct this error online.
         an inclusive and nurturing environ-  request is to justify the rank awarded   Sorry. Done — Editor

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