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Education News

           DELHI                                                           cal party dares touch. For instance,
         ABVP wins again                                                   tuition fees in Delhi University and

                                                                           affiliated colleges have remained
                                                                           frozen for decades. In the postgrad
                                                                           Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)
                                                                           where the Communist-aligned Left
                                                                           United (alliance of all left associa-
                                                                           tions) rules the roost, tuition fees for
                                                                           arts grads average Rs.400-450 per
                                                                           year and hostel fees in the heart of
                                                                           Delhi’s green zone are less than Re.1
                                                                           per night.
                                                                             “The main objective of candi-
                                                                           dates who contest DUSU and other
                                                                           university elections is to ensure that
                                                                           tuition and residence fees remain
                                                                           frozen at 1960 levels. Well aware of
                                                                           the destructive power of students
                                                                           unions, no political party or gov-
                                                                           ernment dares to raise their fees
                                                                           except nominally. Similarly, faculty
         DUSU’s newly elected president Tushar Dedha: subsidies priority   unions in colleges and universities
                                                                           make sure their remuneration is
               eld on september 22 after a   Communist and Left-affiliated par-  on a par with senior civil servants
               hiatus of three years because   ties. But in the decade past after the   and high court judges. Tuition fees
         Hof Covid disruption, the Delhi   BJP swept to power at the Centre in   in India’s higher education institu-
         University Students Union (DUSU)   2014 and again in 2019, the BJP-  tions contribute barely 5 percent of
         election was swept by the BJP-   affiliated ABVP’s star has been in the   institutional expenditure against the
         affiliated Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi   ascendant.                 global average of 20 percent, and
         Parishad (ABVP) which bagged       All major political parties accord   no scheme of repaying the cost of
         three out of four office-bearer posts.   high importance to college and   higher education when graduates
         The Congress-affiliated National   university students unions. Not only   start working has ever been mooted.
         Students’ Union of India (NSUI)   are they a sizeable vote bank, they   Post-independence India’s higher
         won only the post of vice-president.   are also a catchment pool for future   education subsidy swallows 40 per-
         Students of Delhi University’s 80   leaders. For instance, the former   cent of the Centre and states’ annual
         affiliated colleges and 16 university   BJP finance minister the late Arun   education budget at the expense of
         faculties were eligible to vote.  Jaitley, was a former DUSU presi-  primary education. It’s iniquitous,”
            ABVP won the post of president   dent. Moreover, students of affiliated   says a senior JNU faculty member,
         for the eighth time in the past 11   unions can be gathered for protest   who requested anonymity for fear of
         years with ABVP president Tushar   marches or agitations at short notice.   “lynching” by student union activists.
         Dedha polling 23,460 votes and   That’s why the expenditure ceiling of   Predictably in his victory speech,
         NSUI’s Hitesh Gulia 20,345. “I   Rs.5,000 per candidate prescribed   DUSU’s newly-elected president
         congratulate all the karyakartas of   by the Lyndogh Committee (2005)   Tushar Dedha, a first-year student
         ABVP for their emphatic victory in   is practiced more in the breach than   of MA in Buddhist Studies, spelt out
         #DUSUElection2023. This triumph   observance, as political parties pour   his priorities. “Metro concession
         shows the ubiquitous acceptance of   money into students union elections   passes, better hostel facilities for
         the ideology of ‘nation first’ among   to ensure affiliated unions and can-  students and various other issues are
         our young generation,” tweeted BJP   didates are elected.         our priority. We will work on all is-
         national president J.P. Nadda.     The quid pro quo that college and   sues of students,” he promised. Cur-
            Arguably the world’s largest   university students extract from po-  rently, although university students
         students union election with over   litical parties is heavy subsidisation   are entitled to heavily concessional
         1.5 lakh voters, DUSU elections are   of higher education. Students’ tuition   monthly bus passes in Delhi, they
         a prize target for all political parties.   and residential accommodation fees   haven’t been awarded concessional
         For several decades after indepen-  in public universities and colleges   fares by the metro rail system despite
         dence, DUSU was the preserve of   are a thorny subject that no politi-  it being “the most used public trans-

         18    EDUCATIONWORLD   OCTOBER 2023
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