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Education News

         port mode by students,” as demand-                                        A letter written by former
         ed by all DUSU candidates in their                                        prime minister Jawaharlal
         manifestos. “Also, as the hostels were                                    Nehru to his daughter In-
         closed for almost three years because                                     dira Gandhi, and chapters
         of the Covid pandemic, infrastruc-                                        on vedic culture, rise of new
         ture including piping and drainage                                        religions, human rights,
         needs repair,” says Dedha.                                                women  freedom  fighters
           Meanwhile political and media                                           were inserted in their stead.
         pundits in the national capital are                                         However, with the new
         reading the tea leaves to guess if the                                    academic year 2023-24
         DUSU election results are a pointer                                       having already commenced
         to the General Election scheduled for                                     on April  1, and textbooks
         early next year. Despite the BJP-                                         printed and dispatched
         affiliated ABVP candidates having                                         (with old content) to all
         secured three of the four top posts,                                      government  and  aided
         Congress has claimed it is advancing   Madhu Bangarappa: invisible booklets  schools statewide, Madhu
         because it prevented an ABVP sweep.                                       Bangarappa, the newly
           According to Yashwant          from the current academic year   inducted minister for school education
         Deshmukh, founder-director of    2023-24 and started work on fram-  and literacy, declared that the revised
         CVoter, an election research agency,   ing its own State Education Policy.   content will be printed and distrib-
         one cannot ascertain the gains of   Now, the state government has is-  uted as additional booklets. But four
         Congress without understanding   sued directions to constitute a Text-  months on, schools are yet to receive
         where its votes came from. “If the   books Revision Committee (TRC)   these additional booklets.
         NSUI’s margin of loss reduced after   to rewrite textbooks to wipe out the   With schools not having received
         receiving votes from ABVP’s bank, it   alleged hindutva propaganda of the  “these additional booklets, school
         is a gain. But if it gained from (left)   previous BJP government in them.    managements, teachers and students
         parties like AISA or SFI, then it’s   On September 25, the state gov-  are in a state of confusion and driven
         technically a loss, because ABVP still   ernment appointed a new Textbooks   to searching for textbook changes in
         has a stronger, untouched vote base,”   Revision  Committee  comprising  37   media reports. It’s unfortunate that
         says Deshmukh, quoted by online   education experts to revise textbooks   successive governments are using
         portal Quint (Sept 25).          prescribed for 78,424 state board-af-  textbooks as weapons of politicisa-
           If at all the DUSU elections are   filiated schools. The 37-member TRC   tion to reflect their ideological biases.
         an indicator of things to come at   headed by Dr. Manjunath Hegde,   Now that we have a new TRC, we sin-
         the hustings next year, it is that   a retired professor of history at Rani   cerely hope that the mandate of this
         the communist and left parties are   Chennamma University, Belagavi, has   committee is to upgrade the quality
         continuously losing ground. And BJP   been given three months to complete   and content of textbooks, not merely
         is winning it.                   the revision of first and second lan-  to desaffronise them. Way back in
                          Autar Nehru (Delhi)  guage Kannada textbooks for classes   2015, the Union HRD ministry had
                                          I-X, Kannada textbooks for classes   pointed out that Karnataka state
           KARNATAKA                      IX-X and social science textbooks for   textbooks are age inappropriate and
         Textbooks ping pong              classes VI-X. They have to be ready for   lack quality content. No government
                                          the academic year 2024-25.
                                                                           has so far made an effort to address
                                            It’s noteworthy that prior to ap-  this important recommendation,”
              omewhat unusually, the Con-  pointment of the new TRC, the state’s   says D. Shashi Kumar, general
              gress government in Karna-  education ministry had issued a circu-  secretary, Associated Managements
         Staka (pop.69 million), which    lar dated June 17 revoking 18 changes   of Private Schools in Karnataka
         completed 100 days in office on   introduced  by  its  predecessor  BJP   (KAMS) which has over 4,000 mem-
         August 27, is on fast-track towards   government in Kannada and English-  ber schools statewide.
         fulfilling its education-related elec-  medium social sciences textbooks for   Unsurprisingly this ping pong re-
         tion promises. On August 21, deputy   classes  VI-X  children. The  changes   vision of children’s textbooks is de-
         chief minister D.K. Shivakumar   include removal of a chapter on RSS   plored by genuine academics who
         announced that as per its manifesto   (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh)   believe it is inimical to students’
         promise, the state government has   founder Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedge-  teaching-learning continuity. “In the
         discontinued implementation of the   war, and an essay authored by right-  battle of ideologies of political par-
         National Education Policy (2020)   wing ideologue Chakravarti Sulibele.   ties, students suffer. Teachers begin

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