Page 24 - EW Oct 2023_new
P. 24

Education News

           WEST BENGAL                                       THEY SAID IT
         Downward spiral
                                                             “Second chances also pave the way for in-
               ontrol of west bengal’s 31 state-run universities by   novation and creativity. The history of human
               appointing vice chancellors of choice continues to be   progress is punctuated by countless stories of
         Ca bone of contention between the ruling Trinamool   visionaries who faced initial setbacks but later
         Congress (TMC) government and the state’s Governor,
         C.V. Ananda Bose, ex-officio chancellor of all state uni-  triumphed.”
         versities. Since May, 22 interim VCs have been appointed   Srinath Sridharan, author & Steve Correa, corporate
         by the governor. According to the Raj Bhavan (governor’s   advisor (Business World, September 23)
         residence-cum-office), the names of interim VCs of nine
         other universities have also been finalised and appoint-  “In nearly six decades of general elections
         ment letters “will be issued soon”. These VCs have been   after independence, the ratio  of women MPs
         selected ignoring University Grants Commission’s (UGC)   never even touched 10 percent. We crossed
         search-and-select system of appointing vice chancellors, as   that mark only in 2009. And gender parity
         well as the recommendations of the state education minis-  is still a pipe dream in the states. Currently,
         try. Some of the interim VCs appointed are non-academics   women MLAs account for a mere 7 percent of
         and don’t have the qualifications mandated by UGC.  the 4,000-plus assembly seats in India. For a
           Moreover on September 1, a new notification from the   representative democracy, this can only count
         governor’s office stated that the faculty and non-faculty   as the deepest failure. This bill addresses that
         staff members of all state universities are first answerable   squarely.”
         to the chancellor and then to the vice chancellor (VC), and
         also that the governor will be the vice chancellor of those   Aroon Purie, Editor on the passing of the Women’s
         universities which don’t have a VC currently. The notifica-  Reservation Bill in Parliament (India Today, October
         tion also specifically states that any instruction from the
         state higher education department or state government will   “Coal is likely to play a role for the next
         be valid only if the vice chancellor clears it.
           Unsurprisingly on Sep-                            two decades, given the current project
         tember 5, chief minis-                              development pipelines and the cost of
         ter  Mamata Banerjee                                alternatives.”
         lashed out at Governor                              Karthik Ganesan, fellow and director, research
         Bose for his “interference”                         coordination, Council on Energy, Environment and
         with the  administration                            Water (Mint, October 3)
         of state-run universities,
         stating that an “economic                           “The issue that will be decided is whether
         blockade” of universities                           Generative AI models have the right to scrape
         to follow the governor’s di-                        content on the internet without permission
         rectives is a possibility. In                       and then generate fresh content by training on
         a  first  step  on  September  Governor Bose & Banerjee (left)  content created by humans without obtaining
         21, the state government                            their permission or paying them anything.”
         has decided to pay the salaries of vice chancellors, teach-  Prosenjit Datta, founder of Prosaic View, an editorial
         ers and other employees in state-aided universities directly   consultancy (Business Standard, October 3)
         into their accounts, instead of via the university’s account
         as per established practice.                        “In his heart there was a farmer. The success
           West Bengal’s academy, including three faculty rep-  of his works is not restricted to their academic
         resentative organisations — the leftist West Bengal Col-  excellence; it lies in the impact they have
         lege  and  University  Teachers’  Association  (WBCUTA),
         Jadavpur University Teachers’ Association (JUTA) and   had outside the laboratories, in the farms
         the All Bengal University Teachers’ Association (ABUTA)   and the fields. His work narrowed the gap
         — expressed alarm over this stand-off between the gov-  between scientific knowledge and its practical
         ernor — a Central government appointee — and the state   application.”
         government. WBCUTA president Subhoday Dasgupta, ac-  Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a tribute to M.S.
         cused the ruling TMC and Raj Bhavan of undermining the   Swaminathan, India’s pioneer agriculture scientist
         autonomy of universities through “illegal interference”.   who died on September 28 (Times of India, October
         ABUTA’s general secretary Goutam Maity says there’s been   7)

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