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Education Notes

           RAJASTHAN                UTTAR PRADESH         tutor programme by the   against the principal
         Coaching school          Child abuse indict-     Vyomika Space Academy,   within a week, the students

         guidelines               ments                   this pioneer space lab is   claimed that the principal
                                                          funded by the Directorate
                                                                                   sexually molested and
         Jaipur, september 29.    Sambhal, september 28.   of Education, Jammu.    misbehaved with them
         Recommendations made     A private school teacher   Speaking on the occa-  within school premises on
         in the Rajasthan govern-  was arrested for inciting   sion, Kishtwar’s deputy   September 8 and several
         ment’s guidelines for test   communal hatred after she   commissioner Prahlad   times in the past. “When
         prep/coaching institutes   allegedly ordered a Muslim   Bhagat said: “The lab is   students opposed his acts,
         statewide include no glori-  student to slap a Hindu   equipped with high-tech   the principal assaulted
         fication of toppers, results   classmate for failing to   telescopes, ISRO rocket   them and threatened to ex-
         of routine tests to be kept   answer a question.   and satellite, drones and   pel them from the school,”
         confidential, no segrega-  On the basis of a com-  aircraft demonstration   stated their complaint.
         tion of students in special   plaint filed by the Hindu   models. This will enable   “After receiving the
         batches based on ranks,   boy’s father, the teacher   class VI-XII students to   complaint, the collec-
         and a policy for easy exit   was booked under IPC   explore the wonders of   tor immediately ordered
         and fees refund within 120   sections 153A (promoting   the cosmos and notable   the tribal department to
         days, among others.      enmity between differ-  space missions of ISRO to   probe the matter, follow-
           The nine-page guide-   ent groups on grounds of   acquire a deeper under-  ing which a three-member
         lines were issued days   religion, race, etc) and 323   standing of space and in-  enquiry team has been
         after the state government   (voluntarily causing hurt),   spire students to consider   constituted,” said Bhagat.
         constituted a 15-member   Additional Superintendent   careers in space sciences   Meanwhile the principal
         committee headed by edu-  of Police Shirish Chandra,   and astronomy.”    has been transferred to
         cation secretary Bhawani   informed the media       The academy will also   another school, he added.
         Singh Detha to issue guide-  This follows a similar   host a state-level inter-
         lines after a record number   incident at Khubbapur   school hydro rocket and    MAHARASHTRA
         of 23 students in Kota’s   village in Muzaffarnagar in   astronomy workshop on   Food poisoning
         test prep institutes died by   August, where a teacher of   October 15, in commemo-
         suicide this year.       a private school instructed   ration of the birth anniver-  complaint
           “Coaching institutes   students to slap a Muslim   sary of former president   Latur, september 13. The
         should not encourage     child for failing to com-  A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, he   headmaster of a Zilla Pari-
         students below class IX   plete his homework. A case   added.             shad school in the state’s
         to take admission. They   was registered against ac-                      Latur district was suspend-
         should give admission    cused teacher Tripta Tyagi,    CHHATTISGARH      ed a day after 15 students
         after screening tests and   under IPC sections 323   Sexual molestation   suffered food poisoning
         counselling to assess their   (voluntary causing hurt)                    symptoms, said the dis-
         interest,” state the guide-  and 504 (intentional insult   charge         trict’s primary education
         lines.                   with intent to provoke a   Gariaband, september 13. A   officer.
           In addition, another   breach of peace).       government school prin-    “Fifteen out of 87 stu-
         set of recommendations     On September 25, the   cipal in Gariaband district   dents showed symptoms
         have been issued to ease   Supreme Court castigated   has been transferred after   of food poisoning after
         pressure on students.    the Uttar Pradesh govern-  a group of 25 girl students   eating khichdi and cooked
         Among them: facial       ment for a shoddy probe   accused him of sexual mo-  gram. Fifteen of them were
         recognition to prevent fake   into the Muzaffarnagar   lestation and assault.  immediately admitted to
         attendance, mandatory    incident.                  The girl students to-  a government hospital in
         weekly holidays, not                             gether with their parents   Udgir for treatment. The
         holding exams on days      JAMMU                 visited the collectorate   remaining 72 students
         after a holiday and a code   Model space lab     office and submitted a   were treated by the tehsil
         of conduct for faculty and                       written complaint to the   health officer in the school.
         hostels. Moreover, district   Jammu, september 26. A   collector, said Naveen   The condition of all stu-
         collectors have also been   space lab was inaugu-  Bhagat, the district’s Assis-  dents is stable after treat-
         asked to sensitise coaching   rated in the Government   tant Commissioner (tribal   ment,” added the officer.
         institutes under their   Higher Secondary School,   department).
         jurisdiction to ensure the   Kishtwar district. Devel-  In their written com-   Paromita Sengupta with
         guidelines are followed.  oped under the ISRO space   plaint demanding action          bureau inputs

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