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         Darkness), which is a work   ture. Rhodes, along with
         of synthesis. It is aston-  his two associates Alfred   IF THERE IS A GOD
         ishing that Biggar should   Beit and Barney Barnato   Imayam (Translated from
         so confidently endorse   had managed to estab-      the original Tamil by Prabha
         Roy’s “positive conclusion   lish a monopoly over the   Sridevan)
         overall” of British rule   diamond mines of Kim-    RATAN BOOKS
         without having bothered   berley by the 1870s. The   Rs.499               Pages 224
         to acquaint himself with   model they perfected was
         the writings of any of the   subsequently replicated
         scholars whose views Roy   on a much larger scale in
         has critiqued in attempt-  the gold mines of Wit-  novels, one novella and six   This book is a
         ing to provide a revisionist   watersrand from the late   short story collections to   collection of ten short
         narrative.               1880s onwards.          his credit. Imayam is one   stories that capture
           Among the main items     Biggar endeavours to   of the few contemporary   the lives of ordinary
         on the book’s agenda     whitewash numerous other   Tamil writers whose works   people governed by
         is reinstatement of the   sins of British colonialism,   are being translated into   the larger structures
         reputation of Cecil Rhodes,   and there is little point   English. The book under   of class, caste and
         arch imperialist, tool of   in multiplying examples   review is a collection of ten   gender
         British colonialism in   since there is already a   short stories that capture
         Africa, diamond and gold   rich scholarship which has   the lives of ordinary people
         mining magnate. Biggar   highlighted its destructive   governed by the larger   are by convention denied
         tells us that the ‘Rhodes   impact. Societies are still   structures of class, caste   the space and vocabulary to
         Must Fall’ campaign was   grappling with problems of   and gender.        express their sexual needs
         one of the reasons which   poverty, displacement and   The stories in the col-  and lead unfulfilled lives
         prompted him to write the   conflicts created by colo-  lection effectively delineate   within the institution of
         present book. He declares   nial rule. The author has a   the pervasiveness of caste   marriage.
         that Rhodes was not racist,   strange notion of morality,   and gender politics in   Caste affinity in its
         loved Africans, took over   a morality which is utterly   Indian society, particularly   most detestable forms
         territories which became   devoid of compassion for   in rural areas. Imayam   is highlighted in two
         part of his personal empire   the victims of colonialism.  focuses on everyday cas-  stories: ‘I Swear on My
         of Rhodesia because Afri-    AMAR FAROOQUI (The   teist and sexist tendencies   Thali’ and ‘If There is a
         cans were fighting among           Book Review)    that the common man is   God’. The former displays
         themselves, and promoted                         susceptible to, instead of   how electoral votes are
         democratic values. Rhodes’    Centring the       its institutionalised forms.   invariably determined
         career is too well known                         The stories are a study on   by caste, as voters tend
         for those familiar with its                      the influence and work-  to favour candidates
         murky details to be taken   invisibilised        ings of caste and gender at   belonging to their own
         in by such a favourable                          varying degrees in various   caste. It also shows
         appraisal. The issue which   I WOULD HAVE BEEN   aspects of people’s lives.  how representation
         the book completely side-  a loser in not knowing   The first story ‘Over in   becomes a farce as even
         steps is how Rhodes was   ‘Mr. Imayam,’ stated   a Moment’ offers a peek   in constituencies reserved
         instrumental in creating   Adoor Gopalakrishnan, the   into the life of a middle-  for lower caste people and
         the framework for supply   renowned and critically   aged couple. The wife,   women, it is the dominant
         of cheap labour for the   acclaimed Indian film-  Kamatchi, feels her life has   caste men who wield real
         diamond and gold mining   maker, at the book release   “everything but salt” as she   authority.
         industry. Biggar has hardly   of Imayam’s If there is a   has an unsatisfactory sex   The book title story
         anything to say about this   God. Anyone who has read   life. All acts of intimacy   is a moving account of a
         or about apartheid.      Imayam either in Tamil   between them have always   bereaved mother, Vasan-
           Apartheid was ultimate-  or in translation would   been initiated by the   tha, who seeks to imprison
         ly a structure for keeping   agree with the sentiment   husband while she is at a   the man responsible for her
         Blacks as an under-class   expressed by Gopalakrish-  loss as to how to articulate   son’s death. She is asked to
         in subjugation, to obtain   nan.                 her own desire. This story   drop the charges as the per-
         semi-free labour in large   Such is the power of the   corresponds to the larger   petrator is from the same
         numbers on a regular basis   compelling stories Imayam   context of patriarchal   caste as her and because
         for mines and agricul-   weaves. He has seven    conditioning where women   she lacks the monetary

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