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         resources needed for the   stories are from a female   Nagamani are resilient and   are presented with such
         legal proceedings. At first,   perspective, it is women’s   a friendship buds between   complexity that readers
         she indignantly responds,   voices that are dominant   them in the unlikeliest   are forced to set aside their
         “Every criminal dog tries   and their characterisation   of places, a graveyard.   presentations and under-
         to escape using his caste.   is highly impressive.  Imayam’s writings are   stand the characters. For
         Did he not know my child   The women in          forceful enough for us to   example, none of the male
         was from his caste when he   these stories resemble   consider the proposition   protagonists is vilified in
         was abusing him? Let him   individuals we see in our   that male writers are   any of the stories.
         try to talk about caste and   everyday life, women who   inept at drawing women   The honesty and
         I will slam him with my   are able to pick themselves   characters and can’t fully   earnestness with which
         winnow.” However, in the   up no matter what life   do them justice.      Imayam narrates these
         end, she is overpowered by   throws at them and     Imayam’s wariness     stories are remarkable.
         her community.           exhibit courage in most   of being labelled a ‘Dalit   They are not instruction
           All the ten stories in   unexpected ways.      writer’ is reflected in his   manuals on social justice,
         this collection present    Vasantha refuses to   writing, as the characters   and his characters don’t
         raw sketches of lives that   touch the compensation   he constructs are not   parrot political rheto-
         are often invisibilized or   money offered and walks   confined and restricted   ric. The day-to-day lives
         marginalised in art. Oc-  away while Santha is   to their caste and gender   of people that Imayam
         cupying centre stage are   forthright in putting an   identity. There aren’t any   presents to his readers are
         homemakers, teachers, of-  end to her employer’s   stories that pit two castes   political, yet, the treatment
         fice peons, hostel wardens,   unwanted advances.   or genders against each   of the characters is marked
         construction workers and   Valliammai is practical,   other, where one caste   with an empathy that is
         grave diggers. It is their   decisive and unafraid to   or gender is villainised   truly befitting an artist.
         lives in its fullness that is   override her husband’s   while the other is shown   A. AAZHI ARASI (The
         captured. Since most of the   illogical wish. Sita and   as victimised. The stories   Book Review)

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