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                                                                           highest scores under the mental and
                                                                           emotional well-being and commu-
                                                                           nity service parameters indicate that
                                                                           our students are receiving an enjoy-
                                                                           able and rounded learning experi-
                                                                           ence in SKVG,” says Misra, a history
                                                                           and English alumna of Allahabad
                                                                           University with teaching and admin
                                                                           experience in Sherwood College,
                                                                           Nainital and the Mayoor School,
                                                                           Bhopal, prior to being appointed
                                                                           principal of SKVG in 2010. She
                                                                           modestly declined to comment on
                                                                           the school’s highest score under the
                                                                           leadership/management parameter.
                                                                           Currently, the school has 525 girl
                                                                           students mentored by 55 teachers on
                                                                           its muster rolls.
                                                                             Likewise Dr. Mona Khanna,
                                                                           the recently appointed principal of
         Birla Balika Vidyapeeth’s principal Dr. M. Kasturi (centre left) & students  the Unison World School, Deh-
                                                                           radun (UWS, estb.2007), is “pleas-
         (8); Doon Girls, Dehradun #7     about this initiative. This year, we   antly surprised” that UWS has been
         (10); Mody School, Lakshman-     have been awarded the highest score   awarded a huge promotion from #7
         garh, Rajasthan #8 (9); Vantage   under this parameter. I am also de-  in 2022-23 to #3 (jointly with Mayo
         Hall Girls, Dehradun #9 (8)      lighted with our highest scores under   Girls, Ajmer) within six months of
         and Shah Satnamji Girls, Sirsa,   the parameters of teacher compe-  her taking charge as principal.
         Haryana #10 (14) complete the Top   tence, co-curricular and sports edu-  “I am very satisfied with the high
         10.                              cation. This is evidence that we are   scores we have received under all
           Nishi Misra, the articulate prin-  providing our girls a near-optimal   parameters, especially the critical
         cipal of Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya,   mix of balanced, holistic education.   parameters of teacher welfare and
         Gwalior (SKVG, estb.1956 by the   This read together with our second   development, teacher competence,
         late Rajmata of Gwalior), which
         has been awarded 1+ rating for the   Unison World School principal Dr. Mona Khanna: quick time promotion
         comprehensive makeover of this rou-
         tinely high ranked all-girls residen-
         tial school, is “over the moon” that
         the management’s large investment
         in upgrading and modernising SKVG
         has impressed the EWISR 2023-24
         sample respondents.
           “We accord high importance to
         the annual EWISR and make strenu-
         ous efforts to improve our perfor-
         mance under parameters in which
         we receive low scores. For instance,
         after our disappointing score under
         safety and hygiene last year, we
         engaged the services of the US-based
         G4 Global Co to advise us on ways
         and means to improve security and
         hygiene maintenance on our 37-acre
         campus in the heart of Gwalior.
         Obviously, the knowledgeable EW
         sample respondents have learned

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