Page 68 - EW Oct 2023_new
P. 68


                                                                           a conscious effort to improve under
                                                                           every parameter of school education
                                                                           excellence. I believe that we should
                                                                           have got higher scores under the
                                                                           parameters of teacher competence,
                                                                           curriculum and pedagogy, sports
                                                                           education and community service.
                                                                           Our teachers are well-trained under
                                                                           our professional development pro-
                                                                           gramme and effortlessly switched to
                                                                           digital education during the Covid
                                                                           pandemic. Moreover sports educa-
                                                                           tion is accorded high importance in
                                                                           HGU and several of our girls have
                                                                           been selected to represent Rajast-
                                                                           han in national sports and games
                                                                           tournaments. We also have a very
                                                                           successful sports shoes recycling
                                                                           programme under which we have
                                                                           distributed sports shoes to lakhs of
         Heritage Girls’ Tulasi Bhatia (centre left): conscious improvement effort  disadvantaged rural children. Per-
                                                                           haps these achievements of our girls
         co-curricular education, individual   Partners, which has established   have not been sufficiently broadcast.
         attention to students and safety   high-end schools in the UK, China   We intend to raise our public profile
         and hygiene. We accord the highest   and Thailand, to jointly promote   in the years to come,” says Bhatia.
         importance to teacher development   schools in India.               In the shortlist of sufficiently
         and welfare and maintain a high    Among the Top 10 girls         reputed girls boarding schools (in-
         teacher-pupil ratio of 1:5. Our high   residential schools awarded a   stitutions evaluated by less than 25
         scores under the co-curricular   substantial promotion by this year’s   sample respondents are not ranked),
         education and internationalism   EW sample respondents is Heritage   several have markedly improved
         and sports education parameters   Girls, Udaipur (HGU). Ranked    their ranking this year. Among
         are proof that we provide well-  #10 in 2021 and #8 last year, it is   them: Doon Girls International,
         balanced education to our girls.   ranked #6 with good scores under   Dehradun to #7 (10) and the Shah
         We offer the entire gamut of sports   the parameters of co-curricular   Satnam Ji Girls School, Sirsa
         ranging from shooting, tennis,   education and internationalism,   (Haryana) to #10 (14). The previous-
         squash, swimming to field games   curriculum and pedagogy, pastoral   ly unranked Leeladevi Parasmal
         such as football, hockey and cricket   care and mental and emotional well-  Sancheti English Medium Sr.
         to our girls,” says Khanna, who   being services.                 Sec School, Pali (Rajasthan) has
         has a Ph D in mathematics from     Tulasi Bhatia, an English and   debuted at #20.
         Delhi University and Masters in   psychology postgrad of Patna Uni-  It’s also noteworthy that sev-
         education from University College   versity with teaching experience in   eral girls’ boarding schools that are
         London, supplemented with        the Notre Dame Academy, Patna, St.   modestly ranked in the national
         valuable teaching experience in the   Joseph’s and Loyola Schools in Pat-  league table are high ranked in
         Jayshree Periwal School, Jaipur   na, and a long stint in the top-ranked   their host states. For instance, the
         (2004-07) and the top-ranked Doon   Good Shepherd International, Ooty   MCM Kothari International
         School, Dehradun (2007-18) prior   (1999-2011) followed by a period as   Girls School, Valsad, ranked #12
         to her appointment as principal in   a Delhi-based education consultant   nationally, has been ranked #1 in
         February this year. Currently, this   prior to being invited to take charge   Gujarat for several years. Likewise,
         exclusive all-girls boarding school   as founder-principal of HGU, is de-  Avasara Academy, ranked India
         has 444 girl students mentored by   lighted with this low-profile all-girls   #13 this year, is numero uno in
         80 teachers on its musters. And   boarding school’s steady ascent up   Maharashtra, India’s most indus-
         its future is bright. In 2021, the   the EW league table.         trialised state (pop.115 million). For
         Dehradun-based Unison Group        “The annual EW survey of India’s   parents who don’t want their girls to
         signed an agreement with the UK-  best schools is a very enabling initia-  be sent too far away, state rankings
         based Wellington International   tive. We study it carefully and make   assume considerable significance.

         68    EDUCATIONWORLD   OCTOBER 2023
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