Page 6 - March EW PDF 24
P. 6

From the


                  Volume X X V No.3

          N.R. Narayana Murthy, H.V. Gowthama, Shukla   T
          Bose, Dr. Glenn Christo, Dr. R. Natarajan   he imminent completion of the second term of the Bharatiya
          (Bangalore); Adi Godrej, Dr. Augustine Pinto,   Janata Party (BJP)-dominated NDA coalition government in
          Guilherme Vaz, Ketan Gala, Kirit Mehta, Balkishan
          Sharma (Mumbai); Dr. Ramdas Pai (Manipal);   New Delhi and the prospect of General Election 2024 scheduled
          Prof. Geeta Kingdon (Lucknow); Rajiv Desai, Dr.   for this summer have aroused a flood of comment relating to its
          Parth Shah, Jeroninio Almeida (Delhi); Dr. Kannan
          Gireesh (Chennai); Robindra Subba (Kurseong);   track record in political, societal and economy management.
          Sanjeev Bolia (Kolkata); Dr. Achyuta Samanta   In general, the party under the charismatic leadership of Prime Minister
          (Bhubaneswar); Shyama Thakore (London)
                                          Narendra Modi has received high marks for political strategy which has en-
          EDITOR                          sured that the PM’s public approval rating is way ahead of actual and potential
          Dilip Thakore                   rivals. For economy management also, the PM’s record is good. The opposi-
          MANAGING EDITOR                 tion Congress Party’s contention — led by former Union finance minister P.
          Summiya Yasmeen                 Chidambaram — that average GDP growth during the decade of Congress-led
          CHIEF SUB-EDITOR                UPA coalition rule (2004-2014) averaged 6.8 percent against 5.6 percent of
          Sundar Anand                    the Modi government doesn’t make allowance for shutdown of the economy
          Paromita Sengupta, Reshma Ravishanker, Gopi   during the Covid-19 pandemic years (2020-21) when the country experienced
          Chand N, (Bangalore), Autar Nehru (Delhi)   negative growth.
          9868256512, Baishali Mukherjee (Kolkata)
          9836491981, Shivani Chaturvedi (Chennai)   On the whole, the record of the BJP on the metric of economic growth has
          9500506102                      been good, especially since the Modi government has exhibited firm resolve
          CHIEF EXECUTIVE                 to proceed with the liberalisation and deregulation of the Indian economy
          Bhavin Shah +91 9867382867      initiated in 1991 by the  Congress government led by visionary Prime Minister
          MARKETING                       Narasimha Rao. On the other hand during the past few years notwithstand-
          Vice President — Sales: Tejas Pattni 9022487997  ing the utter failure of its Nehruvian socialist model which shackled the high
          West: Aasana Jain 9820319127    potential post-independence Indian economy for over half a century, the Con-
          South: Poonam Shah 9731966373
          North: Hannan Ahmed 9810302768  gress leadership — especially Nehru-Gandhi dynasty scion Rahul Gandhi — is
          E-mail:  still beating the socialist drum.
          GRAPHICS                          But although the Modi government’s political and economy management
          Chandrashekar L.                — as also its dangerous infusion of religion into the political discourse  — has
          Kotresh Y
                                          attracted a flood of media comment, curiously the government’s track record
          Cover illustration by Chad Crowe  in education management and development of the world’s largest child and
          SUBSCRIPTIONS                   youth population — sine qua non — hasn’t received the media and academy
          Mithun Jadhav: 9108225694/      attention it should have. In this EW election-eve issue, Managing Editor Sum-
          080 43711141                    miya Yasmeen presents the most thorough and detailed assessment of the

                                          BJP/Modi government’s human capital development record ever. It’s manda-
          ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION: RS.2500  tory reading for the small but growing minority who have grasped the reality
          Cheques/drafts in favour of DT Media &   that unless we transform India’s 500 million children and youth from liability
          Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore  into high-performance assets, all is lost.
          EDITORIAL                         And against the backdrop of lakhs of farmers staging an indefinite protest
          C3-36, 3rd Floor, Devatha Plaza  on the Haryana-Delhi border, we present a detailed feature on a subject I have
          131 Residency Road, Bangalore 560 025.   been nurturing for almost half a century — the national imperative to cut our
          Tel: 080 22480880; Fax: 2227 5962;
          E-mail:   fellow citizens who live miserable lives in rural Bharat a better deal. It’s not a
                                          Himalayan endeavour. All it requires is a few policy tweaks and willingness of
          Printed and published by Dilip Thakore on behalf
          of DT Media & Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.   the prospering urban middle class to pay fair prices for agri-produce. Let’s just
          Printed at Rajhans Enterprises, 134, 4th Main, In-  do it.
          dustrial Town, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-44. Published
          at C3-36, 3rd Floor, Devatha Plaza, 131 Residency
          Road. Bangalore 560 025.
          Editor Dilip Thakore.
          RNI No. KARENG/1999/00234

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