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                       42                                                                           22

           MODI GOVERNMENT                                                               EDUCATION NEWS
            EDUCATION REPORT                                                            Delhi: NAAC's second
               CARD (2014-24)                                                                      innings
                                                                                         Karnataka: Forestry
          In this General Election-                                                        graduates protest
             eve story, we assess                                                       Tamil Nadu: Research
            the track record of the                                                           scholars’ row
           Modi government — the
              first non-Congress                                                           Madhya Pradesh:
             government to have                                                            ASER Silver lining
           completed ten years in
             office in independent                                                       Maharashtra: Hasty
         India — in early childhood,                                                              decision
             primary-secondary,                                                          West Bengal: Losing
               skilling and higher                                                                  battle

                                          36      POOR HUMAN CAPITAL

                                                  DEVELOPMENT RECORD
                                                  UNDP’s latest Human Development Report
                                                  2022-23 is a rude awakening. India’s ranking has
                                                  slipped from #130 in 2020 to #132 in 2021. Many of
                                                  our neighbouring nations — including Bangladesh
                                                  — are ranked higher — R.N. Bhaskar
         66                                              INTRODUCTION TO CONSCIOUS LEARNING

         INDIA'S COLONISATION OF BHARAT                  Education is not merely about knowledge
         — LIBERATING RURAL INDIA                        delivery... Conscious learning is a new-age
                                                         pedagogy that prompts students to develop   64
         Rural India has been shortchanged from          deep awareness of their thoughts, emotions and
         reaping the gains of freedom and national       action  — Lina Ashar
         development by way of continuously
         adverse terms of trade between town and
         country. A visitor from another planet is                        IN THIS ISSUE
         likely to identify rural Bharat as a totally
         different country from urban India                Editorial           18  People             56

                                      YOUNG ACHIEVERS      Mailbox            20   International News   60
                                                           Education  News
         56                              Anush Agarwalla   Education  Notes   30   Special Report     66
                                             Arnav Daga
         PEOPLE                                            Education Briefs   32   Books              82
         Dr. Tristha Ramamurthy                            Young Achievers    34
                                                                                   LoEstro Women's Day Special  38
         Kali Prasad Gadiraju
                                                           Expert Comment     36   Schools of Eminence
         Ashutosh Burnwal                                                          Delhi World Public School,
                                                           Cover Story        42   Ajmer              10
         Pradip Chopra

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