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humour.                  from Ireland), Edgar Ware   bay, and curiosity about   politics and missionar-
           Based on his India     (assistant commissioner of   his curations and artwork.  ies, colonial rulers with
         journals, the novelistic res-  Kurseong) make cameo ap-  Though a fairly slow-  retinues of native servants,
         urrection of Edward Lear,   pearances through Lear’s   moving novel, the drama   a world of adults as well as
         the artist/protagonist,   remembered interactions.   lies in the novelist’s use   innocent children. Sourav
         takes a serendipitous path,   Memories of childhood   of the stream of con-  Roy’s pen-sketches in
         attempting to fill in gaps   and adolescence creep in   sciousness technique at   imitation of Lear’s limerick
         and silences, unravelling   without notice — sister   two levels. While depict-  illustrations appear as
         traumas and inadequacies   Ann appears as a surrogate   ing Lear, the artist who   epigraphs to the chapters,
         to revive innumerable half-  mother, beloved Gussie as   frequently relapses into   reminding us of Lear’s
         told stories.            a much-desired compan-  memory, limericks, imagi-  popularity with children
           The storyteller’s imagi-  ion.                 nation, meditation, Roy   — Anne and Manjoo’s ‘fa-
         nation is easily ignited by   The novel successfully   excavates journal entries   vouritest poem’ being ‘The
         hints and clues while inter-  recreates the material tex-  about Lear’s experiences   Owl and the Pussycat’.
         acting with Brits and na-  ture of Victorian life and   that are intrinsic to the   Finally, Edward Lear
         tives in far-flung outposts   culture through nuanced   journey presented in the   emerges not entirely as the
         of the Empire, the hill-sta-  quotations and refer-  novel. This in-and-out con-  Viceroy’s artist but as a
         tions and dak bungalows.    ences to Tennyson and his   sciousness is structurally   multi-talented personality
         Influential characters like   poetry, Hooker and his   integrated through large   whose popularity as the
         Evelyn Baring (the vice-  botanising in the eastern   portions of the narrative by   creator of British nonsense
         roy’s secretary), Franklin   Himalayas, Christina   being inscribed in italics.  verse, inspired a genre
         Lushington (judge of the   Rossetti and her ‘Goblin   The Viceroy’s Artist is   represented by Abol Tabol,
         Supreme Court of justices   Market’, Pre-Raphaelite   not merely a novel, but   Sukumar Ray’s classic
         in the Ionian islands),   painters Holman Hunt and   a volume that at varied   Bengali book of nonsense
         Chichester Fortesque     Dante Gabriel Rossetti,   levels delves into language   poems.
         (Member of Parliament    Lockwood Kipling in Bom-  and landscape, imperial           JAYATI GUPTA

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