Page 76 - March EW PDF 24
P. 76

Special Report

         sification and break the status quo
         which is heavily despoiling land qual-
         ity in the foodgrains growing states of
         Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar
           Moreover, perhaps an even greater
         injustice  visited upon  the country’s
         majority in rural Bharat by India’s
         central planners, policy formulators
         and ruling establishment is the open,
         continuous and uninterrupted neglect
         of education.
           For over three decades the  An-
         nual Status of Education Report
         (ASER) published  by  the highly  re-
         puted Pratham Education Founda-
         tion (estb.1995) which home (not
         school) tests large samples of primary
         children countrywide through a huge   Village school in Telangana: open, continuous & uninterrupted neglect
         (15,000-20,000) army of volunteers
         — mainly college students — for basic   teachers — 25 percent of government   and cons aside, the swelling standoff
         literacy and numeracy, has been re-  school teachers countrywide (1.25   between agrarian Bharat and urban
         porting that over 50 percent of class   million), largely drawn from kith and   India on the Haryana-Delhi border
         VII-VIII children in rural India can’t   kin  of  politicians  and  bureaucrats,   — the second in the past four years —
         read class II textbooks with sufficient   are absent every day. The country’s   should not be ignored as a confronta-
         fluency and comprehension in their   1.10 million government — especially   tion of minor consequence. Although
         own vernacular mother tongues, let   rural — schools are notorious for di-  currently Bharat’s protest is led by a
         alone ‘Inglish’, the national link lan-  lapidated buildings, lack of furniture,   numerically small number of farmers
         guage and language of business, com-  multi-grade teaching, inadequate toi-  under SKM (non-political) banner,
         merce and law.                   lets, drinking water and often electric-  it’s pertinent to note that some 200
         C        ONTERMINOUSLY  Edu-     between higher education institutions   cause with it. And recently the parent
                                          ity. Likewise, rural India’s few and far
                                                                           farmer unions have made common
                  cationWorld  (estb.1999),
                                                                           SKM which led the year-long success-
                                          (undergrad colleges and state govern-
                  with the mission to “build
                                                                           the BJP government at the Centre to
                                          ally better, and nonchalantly certify
                  the pressure of public   ment universities) are only margin-  ful confrontation in 2020-21 forcing
         opinion to make education the #1   millions of unemployable youth who   repeal the  three farm Bills which it
         item on the national agenda”, has   stream into industry and the services   had legislated in 2020, has expressed
         been persistently pressing for the an-  sector. Very few college graduates re-  its support. Simultaneously, other
         nual budgetary expenditure (Centre   turn to farms.               farmers’ representative organisations
         plus states) for public education to be   And despite reckless government,   across the country are beginning to
         raised to 6 percent of GDP, a recom-  establishment, and academia negli-  become restive.
         mendation made by the high-powered   gence to develop India’s abundant   In the circumstances, it’s high time
         Kothari Commission in 1967. Despite   and high-potential human resource,   to frankly admit that India’s rural citi-
         your editors annually presenting a   there’s no shortage of economists   zens have been substantially sidelined
         schema — coinciding with presenta-  on television news channels and in   in the national development effort and
         tion of the Union Budget — for the   the print media who opine that the   make amends to right the imbalance.
         Centre to raise an additional Rs.7 lakh   national development effort necessi-  First, it’s time to cut through the
         crore per year, national education ex-  tates massive migration of rural youth   nit-picking clutter of legally protected
         penditure has remained mired in the   to urban industry. The uncomfortable   MSPs by establishing an agriculture
         3-3.5 percent of GDP rut for 75 years.   question about the employability of   produce stabilisation fund (suggested
           Moreover, pathetically meagre out-  millions of illiterate, quasi-literate   by Prof. A.S. Gulati of ICRIER quot-
         lays for rural government schools are   and unskilled (India hosts 5,000 vo-  ed above) from which Central/state
         recklessly misspent. Over 85 percent   cational training institutes cf. China’s   governments could draw to purchase
         goes towards the high remunera-  500,000) is routinely fudged.    crops whose prices fall below mutu-
         tion of  ill-qualified  and  indifferent   Academic and economics pros   ally agreed floor prices. Subsequent-

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