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ment to canalize all milk and dairy
         surpluses of the European Union
         which were proposed to be dumped
         as aid to India, to NDDB. By carefully
         calibrating the release of imported
         milk and dairy products into the In-
         dian market at market price, NDDB
         mobilised capital for investment into
         milk and dairy processing technology
         for the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Mar-
         keting Federation (GCMMF), which
         promoted the Amul brand.
           This technology enabled GCMMF
         to purchase Gujarat farmers’ surplus
         milk in the flush  winter  season at
         above cost price, convert it into milk
         powder which was ‘recombinated’
         into milk and sold in the summer sea-
         son of milk shortage at steady prices.
         Through this stratagem GCMMF was   NDBB hi-tech milk processing plant in Gujarat. Inset: Dr. Verghese Kurien
         able to pay dairy farmers market pric-
         es for milk through the year. Winter   for mysterious reasons it has not   disproportionate influence that agri-
         surpluses were also converted into   been permitted to strike root. On the   culture wholesalers and middlemen
         butter, cheese, paneer, margarine etc,   contrary R.N. Bhaskar, former con-  exercise in the corridors of power of
         to ensure that “not a drop of milk was   sulting editor of Business India and   state governments. These middlemen
         wasted”. After the success of GCMMF   prolific blogger, suspects an establish-  (usually kith and kin of politicians and
         and Amul, NDDB promoted successful   ment conspiracy to erase the history   bureaucrats) are totally averse to close
         dairy farmers cooperatives country-  of Dr. Kurien’s astonishing metamor-  agriculture-industry connect which
         wide as a result of which chronically   phosis of India’s dairy industry (see   would result in forward markets and
         milk-deficient India of the 1960s has Although   contract farming. For decades, they
         transformed into the world’s largest   Kurien himself tried to replicate the   have ensured that only small and mi-
         producer of milk and dairy products.   successful Amul model for the oil-  cro sector enterprises — rather than
         Y        ET INSTEAD OF THIS dairy   ventures failed.              censed to enter the agri-produce pro-
                                                                           organised sector corporates — are li-
                                          seeds and horticulture sectors, these
                  farmers’ champion be-
                                             One explanation of the continuous
                                                                           cessing business.
                                                                             This hypothesis is supported by the
                  ing hailed as a hero and
                                          majority to get remunerative prices
                  role model, Kurien was   failure  of  independent  India’s  rural   fact that among the several demands
         fiercely criticized by communists and   for farm produce is that under the   of SKM farm leaders is prohibition of
         leftists in Parliament and the media   Constitution, agriculture is essential-  modern warehousing facilities being
         as a  ‘foreign agent’. In 1984 as edi-  ly a States list subject, although some   established by the Adani Group, and
         tor of BusinessWorld magazine, your   sectors are listed in the Concurrent   proscription of forward markets and
         correspondent wrote a detailed cover   list. Some monitors of the paradox   contract farming which would permit
         feature titled ‘Operation Flood: Case   of  a  primarily  agriculture  economy   large corporates to monetise food pro-
         for the defence’ which narrated the   failing to develop a downstream food   duction in a big way.
         facts and circumstances of Kurien’s   processing industry attribute it to the   Farm leaders seem unaware that
         heroic conversion of chronically milk                             closer linkages between farms and
         deficient India into the world’s largest   By careful calibration of   factories is necessary for the growth
         producer of milk and dairy products,                              of a viable agri-produce processing
         which shut them up good and proper.   imported milk and dairy     industry,  and cutting out the string
           However, despite this model which   products Dr. Kurien mobilised   of middlemen who multiply farmgate
         in effect provides dairy farmers mini-                            prices eight-tenfold before farm pro-
         mum support prices without govern-  capital for processing        duce — especially perishable fruit and
         ment intervention being available   technology for GCMMF which    vegetables — reaches the consumer.
         for replication for farm produce, and   promoted the Amul brand   Closer farm-factory linkage is also
         horticulture products in particular,                              necessary to stimulate crop diver-

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