Page 70 - March EW PDF 24
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S pe c i a l  R e por t
             Special Report

         prices for the foodgrains — wheat and                             are understandable because the plain
         rice — that have made ‘ship-to-mouth’                             truth is that despite suffering the
         India self-sufficient in foodgrains pro-                          worst excesses of colonial exploita-
         duction.                                                          tion and  providing  unstinting  sup-
         S        OMEWHAT PARADOXI-                                        dom movement, there’s no denying
                                                                           port to India’s unprecedented free-
                  CALLY, Punjab’s relatively
                                                                           that rural India has been continuously
                  wealthy farmers are in the
                                                                           the gains of freedom and national de-
                  forefront of the agitations                              short-changed on the issue of reaping
         which forced the Central government                               velopment by way of adverse terms of
         to repeal the three farm Bills of 2021,                           trade between town and country. As a
         and also in the current agitation for                             result MPCE (monthly per capita ex-
         legally guaranteed minimum support                                penditure) of rural citizens at Rs.3,773
         prices for 23 crops plus several other                            is half of urban Indians (Rs.6,459).
         demands mentioned above which                                       The pathetic standard of living of
         have the potential to wreck the Union                             the vast majority of rural citizens is
         budget. “If they had done their maths,                            also reflected in the abysmal infra-
         representatives of the 200 farmers’   Kaushal: budget wrecking proposal  structure of the hinterland. Motor-
         unions participating in the latest pro-                           able roads, public transport, health
         tests would have realised that GoI   Kaushal. Likewise, the demand that   centres, functional schools and higher
         (government of India) cannot meet   India withdraws from the WTO will   education institutions, law and order
         their list of demands without risk-  rule out Indian farm produce exports   personnel are conspicuously absent in
         ing a severe fiscal crisis, sabotaging   forever. Other demands contained in   India’s provincial landscape.
         rural banks and disincentivising and   the protesting farmers charter such as   Indeed a visitor from another plan-
         disrupting (internal) migration which   pensions of Rs. 10,000 per month for   et is certain to identify rural Bharat
         is the bedrock of farming in the three   all farmers and farm labour over 60   whose residents are differentiated
         states. Giving in to famers’ demands   years of age is likely to spiral Central   by  clothing,  premature  ageing,  and
         would be most irresponsible,” wrote     and state governments revenue ex-  visible malnutrition, as citizens of a
         Dr. Neeraj Kaushal, professor of   penditure, leaving very little capital   totally different country from urban
         social work at Columbia University,   spending to build rural infrastructure,     India with its swish motor cars, glitzy
         USA, in the Economic Times (Febru-  essential for long-term viability of In-  shopping malls and big weddings.
         ary 16).                         dian agriculture.                The vast majority of citizens of Bharat
           Dr.  Kaushal’s  viewpoint  that  the   Nevertheless, these extreme de-  plainly lack the confidence of free and
         latest set of demands made by farmers   mands made of farm union leaders   equal citizens. The popular depiction
         from the country’s most prosperous   Devastated Maharashtra farmer: popular media depiction
         agriculture belts are over the top and
         cannot be conceded without severe
         damage to the Indian economy and to
         Indian agriculture itself, is endorsed
         by most economists.
           High MSP for wheat and rice pro-
         ducers in the northern foodgrains
         producing states will discourage Pun-
         jab-Haryana farmers from switching
         from water and chemical fertilizer-
         intensive foodgrains production,
         which has severely degraded the soil
         in these states. Moreover doubling
         the minimum wage of rural labour
         under MGNREGA as demanded by
         the agitating farmers is certain to hurt
         Punjab and Haryana farmers most as
         it will “disrupt” the migration of ag-
         riculture labour from other states to
         Punjab/Haryana, as argued by Dr.

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