Page 67 - March EW PDF 24
P. 67

Vignettes of India & Bharat: different countries

         the height of the Covid pandemic crisis. This protest was   In the 21st century with the Indian diaspora in the UK
         supplemented with protests in Punjab, Haryana as also   having grown to a large and visibly content minority and
         pro-farmer protests in Tamil Nadu, Odisha and Kerala.   a prime minister of Indian origin presiding over formerly
         Railway services remained suspended in Punjab for over   imperial Great Britain — both of which could be interpret-
         two months. The adamant refusal of the farmers unions   ed as acts of atonement — it’s easy to forget that average
         to budge from their demand and continuous camping on   GDP growth during almost 200 years of the British Raj
         highways encircling Delhi forced the Union government to   over India was one percent per year; the average lifespan
         repeal the three Bills in November 2021.         of Indians was 31 years, and public health and education
           Predominantly an agriculture economy which was by-  were almost totally neglected in the rural hinterlands of the
         passed by the Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th   subcontinent. These realities are scarcely documented by
         centuries, the Indian subcontinent has a long history of   post-independence India’s historians.
         peasant revolts in the 20th century including the Cham-  Therefore, after the dawn of independence when free
         paran (1917), Kheda Satyagraha (1918), Bardoli Satyagra-  India embarked upon its “tryst with destiny”, quite rightly
         ha (1925) and Tebhaga Movement (1946-1947). Moreover   India’s rural majority which at that time contributed 60
         there’s a mountain of evidence emerging that the worst   percent of the country’s GDP, expected rural growth to
         excesses of the British Raj — heavy coercive taxation by   become the focus of national development. This was the
         comprador  zamindars; uprooting of traditional mixed   ideal of Mahatma Gandhi, prime architect of India’s unique
         farming and forced cultivation of monoculture plantation   and unprecedented freedom struggle based on satyagraha
         crops including indigo and opium (see book review p.78)   (truth) and ahimsa (non-violence) which completely flum-
         were inflicted upon India’s peasantry who constituted 80   moxed our erstwhile British masters and prompted their
         percent of the population until the dawn of independence.   hasty, unlamented departure from Indian shores. Gandhi
         Unfortunately, it is insufficiently documented by post-inde-  advocated rural-led national development with “village
         pendence historians that it was resolute rural and peasant   republics” stimulating agriculture productivity and gen-
         support astutely mobilised by Mahatma Gandhi in the 20th   erating surpluses to finance employment generating rural
         century, that enabled India to free itself from almost two   MSMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises). These in
         centuries of deeply exploitative British rule.   turn would generate employment and demand for consum-

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