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Institution Profile

                           Vivekanand School, Delhi

                  Promoted in 1978, VS has earned a well-deserved reputation in the national capital for
                   providing holistic, values-based, culturally-rooted education to its 4,600 students
                                                     AUTAR NEHRU

                  AMED  AFTER  SWAMI
                  Vivekananda (1863-1902),
                  India’s  most  influential
         Nphilosopher-seer and so-
         cial  reformer,  Vivekanand  School,
         Delhi  (VS,  estb.1978)  has  earned  a
         well-deserved  reputation  in  the  na-
         tional  capital  for  providing  holistic,
         values-based, culturally-rooted K-12
         education  to  its  4,600  students  tu-
         tored by 200 teachers. Sited on a four-
         acre campus in the upscale Anand Vi-
         har suburb, the co-ed VS is affiliated
         with the Delhi-based Central Board
         of  Secondary  Education  (CBSE).  In
         the latest EW India School Rankings
         2022-23, VS is ranked among Delhi’s
         Top 60 co-ed day schools with high
         scores on the parameters of academic
         reputation,  faculty  competence  and
         co-curricular education.         VS: good reputation in national capital. Inset: Pradyumn Ahuja
           Promoted in 1978 by Y.D. Ahu-
         ja,  a  former  mayor  of  Delhi  (1988-  in  Indian  culture,  spiritualism  and   he says.
         89),  under  the  aegis  of  Vivekanand   traditions, our curriculum and peda-  The school’s comprehensive educa-
         Shiksha Samiti (regstd. as a society   gogies are contemporary, integrating   tion philosophy and student-centred
         in  1978),  VS  began  its  innings  as  a   newest technologies and best global   systems have paid off handsomely. VS
         cluster of 13 neighbourhood private   practices,” says Pradyumn Ahuja,   students have consistently excelled in
         schools  scattered  across  residential   an  engineering  alumnus  of  IP  Uni-  academics. In the recently concluded
         colonies in the trans-Yamuna area. In   versity,  Delhi,  who  took  charge  as   2023 CBSE class X exam, the average
         1987, the society was allotted a four-  chairman of the school in 2016 from   score of the 358-strong cohort was 77
         acre plot in Anand Vihar by the Delhi   Ahuja senior, who had steered it for   percent and in the class XII boards,
         Development Authority, after which   38 years.                    the average score of students was 80
         all affiliates were merged to form the   Since his appointment as chairman     percent with 126 students averaging
         Vivekanand School in 1989. In addi-  seven years ago, Ahuja has introduced   above 90 percent. Moreover, 13 stu-
         tion, the society owns and manages a   several  teaching-learning,  student   dents cleared the IIT-JEE Advanced
         primary school with 400 students in   support and well-being innovations.   this year, and an average of ten stu-
         Preet Vihar, 5 km from its main cam-  “All  our  systems  and  processes  are   dents have been securing scholarships
         pus.                             being re-directed towards a student-  every year in the highly competitive
            “Education at Vivekanand School   first approach. For instance, we have   Mukhyamantri Vigyan Pratibha Parik-
         is deeply rooted in the belief that chil-  recently  issued  a  directive  under   sha Scheme (MVPPS), a scholarship
         dren develop optimally when deliv-  which every student is obliged to par-  programme of the Delhi government
         ered a balanced education combining   ticipate in academic and co-curricular   to  promote  science  subjects  among
         rigorous academics with latest peda-  activities in a micromanaged enabling   secondary students.
         gogies supplemented by sports, co-  classroom  environment  and  several   Progressive  pedagogies,  rigorous
         curricular and most important, values   mapped appreciation and recognition   curriculum and well-trained teachers
         education. Therefore, while our edu-  events. This has resulted in improved   apart, the school’s four-acre campus
         cation philosophy is firmly anchored   learning outcomes across the board,”   is equipped with enabling academic

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