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Institution Profile
infrastructure and facilities. The ADMISSION & FEES end, VS students participate in experi-
main four-storey building houses 94 ential projects such as Pragati to sup-
spacious natural-lit LED-fitted class- Vivekanand School is a K-12 CBSE- port children with disabilities, Sahas
rooms, well-equipped science, maths affiliated co-ed day school. Admis- to teach self-defence to girl children
and language labs, an Atal Tinkering sion into pre-primary and class I in the neighbourhood, and a monthly
Lab, music and dance rooms and a li- section opens in December, and for community kitchen,” says Ahuja add-
brary housing 18,374 volumes. A cam- class XI in May-June. ing that the school is among a hand-
pus landmark is the 650-seat audito- Tuition fees: Rs.57,000-73,000 per ful in the country to incorporate the
rium which hosts the school’s popular year Japanese Shin Holistic Learning Pro-
TEDx and other events. Sports facili- For further information, call +91 11 gram to improve children’s logic and
ties include a gym, dedicated grounds 46516983, e-mail: info@vivekanand- reasoning skills.
for football and cricket, basketball, or visit www.vivekanand- Ahuja is bullish about the future of
volleyball, tennis and badminton this school which is currently celebrat-
courts, plus a multipurpose hall for ing “45 years of excellence in educa-
indoor sports and yoga. Other distinc- tion”. “While we remain true to Swami
tive campus facilities include an ide- cultural activities including Found- Vivekananda’s philosophy of groom-
ation room, Energy Centre for Yoga, er’s Day, Sankalpana (Swami Vive- ing compassionate, sincere, patriotic
Montessori Lab, Vigyantra Centre for kananda’s birth anniversary), VivMun citizens grounded in the Indian ethos
Science, Sculpture Hub and a curated (Vivekanand Model United Nations), and spiritualism, we are also com-
garden. Maths Olympiad, Kalam Week featur- mitted to introducing best teaching-
According to Ahuja, the school’s ing science-related events, among oth- learning innovations from around the
differentiating feature is the high pri- ers. “One of our prime objectives is to world to ensure our students remain a
ority accorded to co-curricular and educate the heart and instill compas- step ahead and are equipped with the
life skills education. Students are en- sion, patriotism and community ser- skills to succeed in a constantly dis-
couraged to participate in a host of vice within our students. Towards this ruptive world,” says Ahuja.
McGill University, Canada
Sited on a green 80-acre campus in Montreal,
the largest city of the Francophone province of
Quebec, McGill is consistently ranked among
the world's Top 50 universities by THE and QS
of Canada’s — and the world’s — most reputed
institutions of higher learning. This 202-year-old
Fpublicly-funded university is consistently ranked
among the world’s Top 50 higher education institutions. In
the latest QS World University Rankings 2023, McGill is
ranked #31 worldwide and in the Times Higher Education
World University Rankings 2023, #46.
Sited on a green 80-acre campus in Montreal (pop.1.7 McGill University Downtown campus: interesting history
million), the largest city of the Francophone province of
Quebec, McGill offers a rich menu of academic programmes. environment, chemistry, finance, music and psychology.
The university’s 25 faculties and professional schools offer McGill has an interesting history. In 1813, James Mc-
undergraduate and postgrad degrees in over 300 academic Gill, a Scottish immigrant who prospered in Montreal, be-
disciplines to 39,513 students mentored by 1,778 faculty. queathed £10,000 and a 46-acre estate to found the Royal
The extensive range of academic subjects offered includes Institution for the Advancement of Learning — later named
computer science, agricultural economics, management, after him — to provide quality education for Quebec’s mi-