Page 26 - EW August 2023
P. 26

Education News

         students groups representing coun-
         tries discuss international issues and
         learn the skills of debate, diplomacy,
         negotiation and draft resolutions.
           An annual fixture at The Lawrence
         School, Sanawar (TLSS, estb.1847),
         India’s top-ranked vintage co-ed
         boarding school in the latest Edu-
         cationWorld India School Rankings
         2022-23, the Sanawar MUN or SNA-
         MUN ’23 now in its sixth year, was
         threatened by inclement weather.
         But the host school’s students-run
         secretariat pulled out all stops to en-
         sure full-house participation. “We re-
         turned to school on July 20 after the
         break, and mailed videos of blocked
         roads opened for traffic and shared
         them with participating schools and
         delegates conveying the message that   SNAMUN 2023 snapshot: boarding schools comeback
         it was quite convenient to travel to
         Sanawar,” says Aditya Das, a class   Health Organisation) — are making a   Within the country’s middle class,
         XII student and secretary-general of    comeback in middle class conscious-  there’s emerging awareness that our
         SNAMUN ’23.                      ness. SNAMUN ’23 was a success   rapidly deteriorating cities experi-
             s a result, 100 student delegates   despite the rain gods having show-  encing heavy pollution, perpetual
         Aand teacher coordinators from   ered excessive bounty on TLSS.   traffic jams which require day school
         11 boarding/day-cum boarding       “Over the course of three days, we   children to endure long commutes,
         schools across the country including   discovered exceptional talent from   and shrinking play spaces, are
         Army Public School, Dagshai (HP),   participating schools. Because of in-  robbing them of their right to an
         KK Blossoms School, Solan, Mayo   clement weather, the number of par-  enjoyable and fulfilling childhood.
         Boys College, Ajmer, Modern School,   ticipant schools was not on a par with   In particular, girls boarding schools
         Barakhamba, Delhi, Pinegrove, So-  previous years. But the consensus   which offer high quality education
         lan, St. Kabir Public School, Chan-  was that our best schools are shap-  in safe and secure environments, are
         digarh, Rajkumar College, Rajkot,   ing a next generation ready to drive   experiencing a resurgence as crimes
         Yadavindra Public School, Patiala,   progress and make our shared planet   against women and girl children are
         and Mussoorie International School   a better, more harmonious place for   rising unchecked in the country’s
         made their way to the host school in   everyone,” says Himmat Singh   chaotic cities. Moreover, boarding
         Sanawar to discuss ‘Peace, Justice   Dhillon, the highly experienced   schools which draw students from
         and Sustainability’ at SNAMUN ’23.   headmaster of TLSS, who has served   all castes and communities appeal to
           The three-day event also brought   in leadership positions in schools in   liberal and educated parents because
         back bad memories of the Covid-19   Indonesia and the UAE prior to tak-  they tend to be secular and progres-
         pandemic, which had posed a threat   ing charge at TLSS in 2020.  sive institutions offering lifelong
         to all boarding schools as parents   Furthermore, it was agreed that   friendships and networking opportu-
         preferred to keep children at home   India’s boarding schools have a good   nities for children.”
         or in neighbouring day schools.   future despite left academics and   This trend is confirmed by Dhil-
         However, after the end of the pan-  media pundits routinely pillory-  lon. “Compared to boarding schools
         demic, boarding schools — especially   ing them for “elitism”. Presciently,   in the UK and US, India’s are very
         upscale boarding schools in hill sta-  Sumer Singh, former headmaster   affordable. Moreover, they have
         tions and Himalayan foothills, which   of Daly College and currently an   embraced contemporary digital
         offer clean air and healthy lifestyles   independent education consultant   technologies and introduced new
         at a time when India’s chaotic cities   and incumbent president of the   pedagogies to the extent that they
         are setting world records for measur-  Boarding Schools Association of   are on a par with the best residential
         able environment pollution, 14 of the   India, had told EducationWorld way   schools worldwide. We have a bright
         world’s 20 most polluted cities are   back in 2018: “Residential schools   future,” he says.
         in India according to WHO (World   are becoming popular once again.   The success of SNAMUN ’23 is

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