Page 60 - EW August 2023
P. 60


         IB Director-General                                               phenomenal and has strengthened
                                                                           our conviction in the potential of
                                                                           students in India benefiting from
                                                                           the IB and IBCP curriculums. I am
                                                                           especially pleased with the growth of
                                                                           the IBCP programme in India. While
                                                                           in Mumbai, I visited the Children’s
                                                                           Academy International School which
                                                                           is the latest school to affiliate with
                                                                           us to offer its students the IBCP pro-
                                                                           gram in the academic year 2023-24.
                                                                           Our partnership agreement with the
                                                                           Haryana State Board of Education
                                                                           on teacher education was another
                                                                           highlight of my India tour,” says
                                                                           Future plans. Currently, Heinonen is
                                                                           focused on fulfilling IB’s 2030 goals.
                                                                           “We are fully committed to the con-
                                                                           tinuous improvement of IB’s support
                                                                           systems and services and new initia-
         Heinonen (centre): successful Festival of Hope                    tives that will transform the higher
                                                                           secondary education landscape.  The
              inland-born OLLI PEKKA HEI-  the Finnish government as minister   reception of schools in India to the
              NONEN is Director-General of   of education and science (1994-  IB and IBCP has been very positive.
         Fthe globally respected Geneva-  1999); senior commercial officer of   I am confident that with the Indian
         based International Baccalaureate   the Finnish National Broadcasting   government’s National Education
         (IB, estb.1968) examinations board   Company (2002-2012); and State   Policy 2020 welcoming foreign
         which offers Primary and Middle   Secretary (2012-2016). Between   universities to establish campuses
         Years curriculums, International   2016-2021 he served as Director-  in India, the number of IB-affiliated
         Baccalaureate Diploma Programme   General of the Finnish National   schools will multiply,” says Hei-
         (IBDP) and the International Bacca-  Agency for Education.        nonen.
         laureate Career-Related Programme   Heinonen is also actively engaged     Paromita Sengupta (Bengaluru)
         (IBCP) school-leaving examinations   with the Organisation for Economic
         written by higher secondary students   Co-operation and Development   Uplifters founder-
         worldwide.                       (OECD) and other global organ-
         Newspeg. In late May, Heinonen was   isations, where he contributes his
         in India (Gurugram and Mumbai) to   expertise on the future of education   promoter
         launch IB’s Festival of Hope initia-  including personalised and lifelong
         tive in collaboration with Pathways   learning, the impact of technology   urugram-based UMANG SAN-
         School, Gurgaon and Dhirubhai    and professional development of       GAL (28) is the founder-pro-
         Ambani International School, Mum-  educators. In 2021, he accepted an  Gmoter of Uplifters Academy
         bai. This festival was attended by   invitation from IB to take charge of   Pvt. Ltd, a mint new edtech company
         students of 100 IB-affiliated schools   this prestigious international exami-  (estb.2023), offering skills training
         in India. Designed to unite the global   nations board which has over 5,600   programmes and guidance through
         community around the most press-  high-end affiliated schools in 159   live online classes which has got off
         ing challenges the world is facing, the   countries including 209 in India.   to a flying start. Uplifters is targeting
         festival successfully brought together   Direct talk. “The Festival of Hope   pre and final year undergrads and
         IB students to engage in impactful   started in the UK and US to support   working professionals in Tier II-III
         dialogues through a combination   innovative ideas and conversations   cities to enable them to become job
         of in-person workshops and exhibi-  that translate into positive action.   ready and progress in their careers.
         tions.                           The exhibits by students in Guru-  Since its promotion in February,
         History. A law postgraduate of Hel-  gram and Mumbai have proven to be   the company has signed up 2,500
         sinki University, Heinonen served in   powerful testimonials of this vision.   students for its weekend, pay after
         several top leadership positions of   What we experienced was truly   placement and placement assistance

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