Page 29 - EW September 2024
P. 29
Education Briefs
Zamit’s skilling drive aging director of RKMHPL, speaking contribute to our nation’s economic
on the occasion. growth, and see immense potential in
New delhi, august 13. The India sub- startups emerging from Tier 2 and 3
sidiary of the UK-based Zamit, an SIIC-Canara Bank cities. India’s entrepreneurs possess
edtech platform, claims to have em- incredible business ideas but often
powered 59,000 students and 1,333 agreement struggle due to lack of guidance and
educators in India through its inno- the absence of a supportive commu-
vative e-learning solutions focused on Kanpur, august 9. The Startup Incu- nity,” said Alakh Pandey, founder-
skills development. bation and Innovation Centre (SIIC) CEO of Physics Wallah at the PW-SOS
According to a company statement, of the Indian Institute of Technology, launch ceremony.
Zamit Quotient (ZQ), an AI-driven Kanpur (IIT-K) signed a MoU with
tool that assesses 60 future-readiness Canara Bank to provide comprehen- Kotak Kanya-IIT-B
skills across nine dimensions, is cur- sive support to entrepreneurs, includ-
rently being used in 209 schools, im- ing co-incubation facilities, mentor- scholarships
pacts 1,753 students, and “provides a ship, technological assistance, and
comprehensive measure of a student’s funding. Mumbai, august 13. The Mumbai-based
preparedness for the challenges of the “This partnership brings the Kotak Education Foundation (KEF) —
21st century.” strengths of academia and industry the CSR implementing agency of the
“Our goal is not only to equip stu- together creating a powerful synergy Kotak Mahindra Group — signed a
dents with the essential skills they to support startups. We are excited MoU with IIT-Bombay to institute Ko-
need to thrive in an increasingly com- to collaborate with Canara Bank to tak Kanya-IIT Bombay Scholarships.
plex and dynamic world but also to provide a robust platform for inno- Under terms of the MoU, selected
empower educators with the tools and vation and entrepreneurship,” said women students from underserved
insights required to foster a nurturing Prof. Ankush Sharma, professor- communities in IIT-B will receive fi-
and innovative learning environment. in-charge of SIIC, IIT-K, addressing a nancial support of Rs.2.85 lakh per
By combining cutting-edge technology media conference. year until the completion of their de-
with a deep understanding of educa- Under this agreement, SIIC and gree programmes to enable them to
tional needs, we are creating oppor- Canara Bank will jointly organise a “pursue their higher education with-
tunities for learners to unlock their series of seminars, conferences, and out financial constraints.”
full potential and for educators to el- workshops, designed to offer startups “The Kotak Kanya IIT-Bombay
evate their teaching practices to new valuable insights into the industry Scholarship is a powerful, transforma-
heights,” says Abhijeet Mukherjee, landscape and critical networking op- tive, industry-leading initiative to em-
CEO of Zamit, in a company media re- portunities with key players. Moreover power girl children from underserved
lease. the partners will facilitate exchange of communities through education.
knowledge and best practices, provid- This merit-cum-means scholarship
IMU excellence centre ing startups with industry mentorship is designed to provide a comprehen-
sive umbrella of financial aid, holistic
from experienced professionals.
Mumbai, august 8. Indian Maritime mentorship, industry exposure, valu-
University (IMU) inked a MoU with PW-SOS launched able career counselling and academic
R.K. Mehrotra Holding Pvt. Ltd, a support, critical life skills and com-
subsidiary of the Foresight Group, Noida, august 21. Physics Wallah munication skills to drive mindset
under which the latter will invest $1.5 (PW), a well-known edtech platform changes and foster future leaders,”
million (Rs.12.5 crore) to establish a launched the PW School of Startups said Dr. Ganesh Raja, CEO of the
Dr. R.K. Mehrotra Centre of Excel- (SOS) for aspiring entrepreneurs to Kotak Education Foundation, speak-
lence of maritime research and inno- promote successful ventures. ing on the occasion.
vation on the Kolkata campus of IMU. The prime objective of PW-SOS is Added Prof. Ravindra Gudi,
“I am excited to support IMU in its to prepare individuals for the chal- dean alumni and corporate relations,
mission to advance research and in- lenges of entrepreneurship by equip- IIT-Bombay: “The Kotak Kanya-IIT
novation of the maritime sector. The ping them with essential skills, real- Bombay Scholarship is a powerful
Centre of Excellence reflects our com- world experience, and a supportive catalyst for change that will enable
mitment to foster innovation and cre- community. PW SOS intends to foster exceptional young women from un-
ate better opportunities for students innovation, creativity, and sustainable derserved communities to claim their
and researchers. It is my mission to growth in the startup world. rightful place in STEM fields. It will
contribute to give back to my alma “I believe that progressing Bharat’s drive gender equality in higher edu-
mater,” said R.K. Mehrotra, man- startup ecosystem can significantly cation.”