Page 22 - EW December 2023
P. 22
its resources with no returns. her aspiration to become a world
One practical solution is to intro- champion and we hope she will
duce a mandate on a par with that bring home a medal in the upcoming
for medical students who must serve Paris Olympics. I wish EW could
in rural areas after completing their allocate more space to inspirational
medical degree programme. Like- sportswomen.
wise, qualified engineers from the Shubham Mukherjee
premier IITs, IIITs and NITs should HOWRAH
also be obliged to serve in India for
at least a decade before migrating
abroad. How to retain them further Mammoth effort
is for our policymakers to decide. MANY CONGRATULATIONS to
Hope they are listening. Team EW on your 24th anniversary.
Anoop Bhatt Despite many odds, you have never
MUMBAI failed to deliver well-researched
cover stories and essays by eminent
NOVEMBER 2023 educationists on relevant issues
Deep connect confronting Indian education month
CONGRATULATIONS TO on month, year on year. I also salute
EducationWorld on your 24th your mammoth effort towards
Generous compliment bumper anniversary issue (EW collating and publishing your
HAPPY 24th anniversary! November). As usual, the issue is comprehensive EducationWorld
Congratulations to EducationWorld packed with enriching content and India Higher Education, School and
for publishing thought-provoking, information. Preschool Rankings.
challenging, iconoclastic features I especially liked reading your in- Please continue your dedicated
that rival the best journalistic output. sightful cover story ‘Why do Indians service to further the cause of educa-
Nothing I have read anywhere on succeed everywhere except in India?’ tion!
the subject of education, matches which I am sure is on the minds of Thamnmay Shukla
this publication for its scope, variety millions of resident Indians. And INDORE
and mindfulness. without doubt, this conundrum has
Take a bow! a deep connect with education. Your
Lionel Cranenburgh five special essays authored by re- First steps
WESTERN AUSTRALIA spected commentators in India and YOUR EDUCATION News from
abroad were also worth a read. Tamil Nadu (EW November) titled
Kudos once again! ‘Recruitment foot dragging’ is a
Practical solution Koel De typical example of a poorly managed
I AM A regular reader of KOLKATA system that strives for excellence by
EducationWorld. Your cover story hook or by crook. If this is the plight
‘Why do Indians succeed everywhere of Anna University, ranked #427 by
except in India?’ (EW October) Morale booster QS, a reputed London-based higher
has sparked a raging debate in my THE YOUNG Achievers column (EW ed rankings agency, one can only
household over the past several November) featuring Asian Games wonder about other less reputed
weeks. Let me share the consensus. medalists is a huge morale booster to institutions.
A number of those starring on these super champions. Beating the Provision of basic infrastructure
your cover don’t even deserve to be Chinese at their own game in their and full-strength faculty are first
called migrants as they are mostly own backyard is a huge achievement steps towards providing quality edu-
second-generation citizens of the for the Bengal wonder pair of Ayhika cation. If the state government has
country they call home. But the and Sutirtha Mukherjee. Kudos to failed to achieve even this basic need
handful of those raised in India and them! despite a showcause order from the
who migrated abroad seeking higher It was also shocking to read about Madras high court three years ago, I
education and well-paying jobs have the experience of sprinter-hurdler can imagine the plight of thousands
availed all the benefits of the Indian Jyothi Yarraji who was almost of aspirational students enrolled in
education system, be it through disqualified for no fault of hers. other higher ed institutions.
government quotas or scholarships. Her parents have made immense Selvi Agnes
This effectively drains the country of sacrifices to enable Jyothi to pursue CHENNAI