Page 26 - EW December 2023
P. 26

Education News

         and should adhere to public                                               maker, actor and theatre
         order, decency and morality. In                                           director.  One  of  the  char-
         short, foreign universities that                                          acters in the film is Zakaria
         establish campuses in India will                                          Zubeidi,  a  former  military
         be tightly controlled through                                             commander of the armed
         discretionary rules and regula-                                           wing of Fatah, the Al Aqsa
         tions.                                                                    Martyrs’  Brigades.  Fatah
           “The UGC Regulations                                                    (aka Palestine Authority) is
         have numerous provisions                                                  a political party founded by
         that are vague and open to                                                Yasser Arafat and currently
         interpretation.  These days                                               governs Palestine (aka the
         onus is on host countries to                                              West  Bank)  after  it  was
         create attractive and enabling                                            ousted from Gaza in 2006
         ecosystems for world-class                                                by Hamas. It’s pertinent to
         universities to set up campuses                                           note that an election has
         in host countries. In some cases  IIT-B campus. Inset: Sudhanva Deshpande  not been held in Gaza since
         host countries provide land                                               then.
         and funding to foreign varsities.    MAHARASHTRA                    This lecture aroused the indigna-
         My humble suggestion is that     Unexpected fallout               tion  of  Omkar  Supekar,  a  doctoral
         we should focus on how Indian                                     student  at  IIT-B  who  registered  a
         universities can collaborate with                                 complaint  at  the  Powai  Police  Sta-
         leading international universities.    lthough the latest israel-  tion against  Prof. Sharmistha
         This will not only help us to fulfill   Hamas war that began on Oc-  Saha, head of the humanities de-
         the vision of NEP 2020, but also  Atober 7 when Hamas militia     partment, for misuse of authority by
         create extraordinary opportunities   crossed into Israel and took Israeli   inviting Deshpande to introduce the
         for students and faculty in India   citizens  —  mainly  women  and  chil-  documentary. According to Supekar,
         to engage with leading universities   dren — hostage resulting in relentless   “Deshpande has a record of glorifying
         of the world. The capital-intensive   bombing of the Gaza strip governed   Palestinian terrorist Zakaria Zubeidi.
         campuses investment model        by Hamas hasn’t impacted the tenor   This has troubling consequences for
         envisaged by UGC will not work in   of life in India, it has had an unex-  the academic integrity and safety of
         India and runs the risk of making   pected fallout on the serene 550-acre   IIT- Bombay.”
         higher education highly inaccessible   campus of the top-ranked Indian In-  Supekar  recorded  the  lecture  on
         and non-inclusive,” warns Dr.    stitute of Technology-Bombay (IIT-B,   his mobile phone and posted it on-
         C. Raj Kumar, vice chancellor    estb.1958). Unexpected, because IIT-  line. This prompted a protest by the
         of the private top-ranked O.P.   B is essentially as the name implies, a   Vivek  Vichar  Mancha,  a  right-wing
         Jindal Global University, Sonipat   tech education institute. And it’s one   outfit which shouted slogans against
         (Haryana).                       of India’s most respected universities.   Prof. Saha and demanded Saha and
           Adds Prof. Sudhir Sopory,        A  not  so  well-known  fact  is  that   Deshpande’s arrest.
         former vice chancellor of the high-  perhaps  in  anticipation  of  criticism   According to Deshpande, Zubeidi is
         ranked Jawaharlal Nehru University,   that IIT graduates would be “tunnel-  not a terrorist by any yardstick of mea-
         Delhi: “If these rules and regula-  vision  techies”  oblivious  of  history   surement. In an interview with this
         tions are enacted, the best that can   and the social sciences, ab initio IIT-  correspondent, he explained, “When
         be expected is foreign universities   B  has  also  hosted  a  Department  of   I met Zubeidi in Palestine in 2015, he
         entering India in asset light form,   Social Sciences on its sprawling green   had given up arms and was advocat-
         partnering with local universities/  campus  overlooking  Powai  lake  in   ing cultural resistance. He highlighted
         edupreneurs to export intellectual   Mumbai/Bombay. Students are free to   the value of culture in the Palestinian
         property without investing in back-  select humanities subjects as electives   freedom struggle. In my talk at IIT-B,
         home style capital-intensive cam-  and the institute also awards degrees   I  described  Zubeidi  as  a  ‘visionary’
         puses.”                          in English and social science subjects.  because he envisaged a future where
           Evidently UGC babus are unaware   On November 6 the social sciences   the entire territory of historic Pales-
         that in foreign universities which   department invited actor and author   tine would be a single nation, in which
         have built reputations over decades,   Sudhanva Deshpande to deliver a   all citizens — Arabs, Jews, Christians,
         if not centuries, they take the word   lecture to introduce a 2004 documen-  and others — would have equal rights.
         “autonomy” seriously.            tary film, Arna’s Children, made by   The media has run a malicious disin-
                          Autar Nehru (Delhi)     Juliano Mer Khamis, an Israeli film-  formation campaign against me and

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