Page 29 - EducationWorld March 2023
P. 29
Annual Jaipuria Leadership Program
he management of Seth M.R Jaipuria schools routinely productivity. The last session of the day was facilitated by Dr.
organise its annual Jaipuria Leadership Program (JLP) Prabhat Pankaj, director, Jaipuria Institute of Management,
Tfor all its school principals. The Leadership Program is Jaipur, during which he introduced the concept of CAR, where C
an intensive two-day professional learning opportunity to help stands for Change, A for Accept, and R for the Rise. He further
school leaders reflect on their practices, explore successful explained the importance of accepting change in our lives and
school improvement models, and learn research-based rising above menial issues which come with the change in order
techniques to advance teaching-learning in classrooms. to appraise the beauty within and around us.
2023 marks the 8th Jaipuria Leadership Program (JLP) Likewise, Day 2 started with a bang where the first session
that was conducted on January 7-8 at the Jaipuria Institute of of the day was on understanding leadership skills, their type,
Management, Jaipur. The agenda for this year was to empower, and how a school leader must endeavour to deliver six roles
improvise and implement the new, old, and proven methods to in their capacity as Educational Leader, Cultural Leader,
enhance the future work structure of schools and leadership Community Leader, Symbolic Leader, People Leader, and
style, and discuss plans and strategies for the new academic Business Leadership. This session helped to set the course for
year. the upcoming session for the day. The highlight of the program
The two-day intensive program was power packed with was the team building activities and the group discussion with
master sessions and a special session on Day 1 facilitated by focus on the existing challenges and solutions in the Academic
author and academic trainer Anil Parchani, who addressed the arena (Books, Assessment, Curriculum support, Teacher-
audience with his session on H2O for Life with the message of training, Audit, Recruitment, and Admission process), what
keeping oneself physically and mentally fit to achieve maximum more can be done? What difference can we make? With this,
the day concluded with the session on NEP and the steps
taken to implement the same in the Jaipuria schools curriculum,
including a focus on structural changes, vertical progression, and
360-degree evaluations.
In sum, the annual leadership program was an opportunity
for school principals to develop the skills and knowledge
necessary to become successful leaders in their field. Through
this program, participants learned how to effectively lead teams,
manage projects, and develop strategies to help them achieve
the goals set by their schools. The program also provided a
platform for networking and sharing valuable insights from
experienced leaders.