Page 25 - EducationWorld March 2023
P. 25

be historicized. This will require all   their studies at BMU in August 2023,   perspectives, while being grounded
             students to develop an understanding   SoLS will offer Majors and Minors in   in their parent discipline so they will
             in social and natural sciences such   the Social Sciences and the Humani-  have expertise in a chosen Major
             that, though they might not Major in   ties. Each of the Majors are designed   and at the same time have a critical
             a particular field, they will have an   by established academicians from   perspective towards their specialisa-
             informed opinion about how their   across India and will equip students   tion as well. Thus for example, a
             own practice is interconnected to   with the core disciplinary ground-  Biology Major shall know the social
             other fields and how their actions   ing, professional skills, and hands-on   situation of the world which allowed
             can impact the history and future of   experiential learning they need to   a Darwin to emerge and his theory
             humanity.                        thrive. BML faculty are recruited   to be accepted. She shall also be
                At BMU, the BA(H) in Liberal   from leading universities worldwide   expected to know the various ways
             Arts is anchored in our Foundational   who will bring their expertise to offer   his ideas were used by various groups
             Courses (FCs). These interdisciplin-  a truly international perspective to   – for example, how they were used by
             ary courses, common to all first-year   each of the courses.      Nazis in their ethnic cleansing or how
             undergraduates, allow students to   The uniqueness of SoLS, within   it was used to undermine the basis of
             explore the methods, debates, history   an ecosystem including professional   racial separation or how it taught all
             and politics involved in the natural   schools of management, engineering   of us that we are all part of the same
             and social sciences. FCs serve two   and law, also means that SoLS is able   human species. Similarly a Sociology
             primary purposes for SoLS. First,   to make use of the expertise of facul-  Major shall know the developments
             they introduce students to the guiding   ties from across schools at BMU.   in digital technology, how technology
             principles of Liberal Arts. Second,   Thus, SoLS will also be offering   enables global surveillance and at the
             they equip them to undertake the   interdisciplinary Minors in Math-  same time, how scientists have used
             project of education as a lifelong   ematics, Data Science, Computer   technology to inform us about climate
             activity. This process is not merely   Programming and Physics. We plan   change.
             additive, with students simply ac-  to increase this list of interdisciplin-  Making this complex connection
             cumulating new knowledge into their   ary Majors and Minors in the coming   requires SoLS to design a Liberal
             pre-existing framework and subjec-  years.                        Arts course that can create criss-
             tivities. Rather, FCs aim to displace   SoLS students will be equipped to   crossing pathways between speciali-
             the existing categories that students   weave together diverse disciplinary   sations. This interconnected course-
             are familiar with and encourage them                              work must be grounded in students’
             to take a qualitative leap into unfa-  SoLS students will be      lives, enabling them to develop
             miliar territory.                   equipped to weave             concepts and theories that help them
                Since the BA program revolves                                  make sense of their life experience.
             around the Majors, FCs also serve to   together diverse           Therefore immersive fieldwork,
             introduce students to the Majors, giv-  disciplinary perspectives   internships, student-led seminars, in-
             ing them an opportunity to appreciate   while being grounded in   novative assessments, and a dialogic
             the strengths of other disciplines.   their parent discipline     classroom atmosphere are all crucial
             For the initial cohort who will begin                             components of our BA program.

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