Page 22 - EducationWorld March 2023
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                                                                      BML MUNJAL UNIVERSITY

                                                                      Liberal Arts Education

                    amed after the founder-
                    chairman of the Hero          A liberal arts education trains students to think
             NGroup, Dr. Brijmohan Lall           critically, creatively, and compassionately about the
             Munjal (1923-2015), BML Munjal       world and themselves
             University, Gurugram (BMU, estb.
             2014) provides its 2,700 students a
             world-class and innovative teaching-  won plaudits and encomiums for   its law school and four years on,
             learning and research environment.   building a formidable reputation in   its School of Liberal Studies will
             Promoted by the Hero Group — the   research, innovation and hands-on   begin operations in the academic year
             world’s largest producers of bicycles   and cross-disciplinary learning. The   2023-24.
             and automotive two wheelers (scoot-  globally top-ranked Imperial College   The demand for liberal arts edu-
             ers; motorcycles) whose various CSR   London came on board as academic   cation in India has been gradually
             initiatives have educated and empow-  mentor in 2013 following which   building steam since the early 2000s
             ered over 200,000 Indians — BMU   BMU launched its School of Engi-  (Godwin 2015). This trend is perhaps
             is a non-profit initiative which offers   neering & Technology and started   most evident in the rise of private uni-
             11 undergrad, postgrad, doctoral and   offering its degree programs, along   versities like FLAME, Krea, Ashoka,
             executive degree programs (engi-  with specialisations. A number of   Jindal, and BML Munjal University,
             neering, law, business management,   centres of excellence have also been   which offer undergraduate degrees in
             economics and commerce) supported   established over the years in partner-  liberal arts. However, many HEIs are
             by compulsory industry internships.    ship with industry. Till date, BMU   adopting liberal arts approaches with-
             BMU also offers up to 100 percent   has signed agreements with over 17   out explicitly labeling them as such.
             scholarships to students for all its   foreign universities. In 2014, BMU   At Ambedkar University, Delhi, for
             programs.                        launched its School of Management   example, the interdisciplinary liberal
                Over the past near decade, BMU   followed by School of Economics   arts framework is woven into the un-
             has achieved several milestones and   and Commerce. In 2019 it launched   dergraduate program and has proven

                                                EDUCATIONWORLD  MARCH  2023
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