Page 18 - EducationWorld March 2023
P. 18

Education News

         dren’s superior private school education.           THEY SAID IT
           “Private schools are struggling to run due to the back-
         log of government not having paid its dues for two years.
         The state government has increased electricity charges,   “What does the scientific community expect
         property tax, deposit and inspection fee for schools. But   to see in a Union Budget? The current level of
         our dues remain unpaid. Therefore, the government   expenditure in S&T is hopelessly inadequate
         should give time for schools to pay taxes and electricity   if India is to compete at the international level
         bills,” says M. Arumugam, director of FePSA.        in knowledge generation. So, the scientific
            Tamil Nadu’s nearly 35,000 private independent and   community expects to see a significant
         budget private schools have enrolled over 74,000 s.12 (1)  increase in the outlay for research.”
         (c) children from economically underprivileged sections   Dhrubajyoti Mukherjee, president, The Breakthrough
         in the academic year 2022-23. Moreover in the past year,   Science Society (The New Indian Express, February
         the School Education Department had lowered the RTE   3)
         reimbursement fees pushing private schools into a deep-
         er financial crisis. The annual per-child reimbursement   “Universities are not just spaces for learning
         for RTE students for LKG-class V has been revised to
         Rs.12,076 (from Rs.12,458). For classes VI, VII and VIII,   but also for discussion, debate & dissent.
         the revised amount is Rs.15,711 (from Rs.17,077, Rs.17,106   The cowardly attack on Tamil students by
         and Rs.17,027 respectively).                        ABVP and vandalising portraits of leaders
            Economically poor and underprivileged parents are   like Periyar, Karl Marx at JNU, is highly
         “eager to get their wards admitted into private schools   condemnable...”
         under the RTE Act. Private schools cannot deny admis-  M.K. Stalin, Tamil Nadu chief minister (Twitter,
         sion to them. If students don’t get admission in private   February 20)
         schools, they will natu-
         rally go to government                              “Our education system should be practical,
         schools. That seems to be                           industry oriented... the Budget has laid
         the government’s intent,”
         says S. Arumainathan,                               the foundation for it. Over the years, our
         president  of  the  Tamil                           education sector has been a victim of
         Nadu Parents Welfare As-                            rigidity. We have tried to change this. We
         sociation.                                          reoriented education and skilling according
            Chennai-based edu-                               to the aptitude of youth and the demands of
         cationist Dr. Somasun-                              coming times.”
         daram concurs: “The                                 Prime minister Narendra Modi addressing a post-
         government  should  re-  Dr. Somasundaram           budget webinar ‘Harnessing Youth Power — Skilling
         imburse the dues with-                              and Education’ (The Hindu, February 25)
         out delay. Also, it should monitor if any private school
         is pressuring parents to pay fees for students admitted   “We were not a considerable force either
         under s.12 (1) (c). With reimbursement delayed, there are   economically or militarily throughout the
         instances where parents have been asked to settle govern-  1950s and early 60s but people listened
         ment dues,” says Somasundaram.                      to us. We were involved in a whole lot of
           Although better than most government schools, the
         financial condition of some of the state’s private schools   issues, mediating crises far far away from us
         is bad and worsening because the state government hasn’t   because we had that kind of moral stature,
         reimbursed fees of RTE children for two years.      the reputation for sticking to principles,
            This despite the RTE Act Rules framed by the state   Today’s India is sadly a very, very far cry
         government clearly stating that 50 percent of poor chil-  from that. Not only are we not punching
         dren’s fees amount is payable to private schools as soon   above our weight, we are actually punching
         as a child is admitted under s.12 (1) (c). The remainder 50   far below the weights that we like to boast
         percent is to be paid during the academic year, generally   about having acquired in the last decade or
         by end-September.                                   two.’’
           The ruling DMK government which is busy stitching
         alliances for General Election 2024, seems unaware of   Shashi Tharoor, Congress MP, criticizing the BJP
                                                             government’s refusal to condemn Russia’s invasion
         this obligation.                                    of Ukraine (Telegraph, February 28)
                                  Shivani Chaturvedi (Chennai)

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