Page 23 - EducationWorld March 2023
P. 23

to be a model for such experiments in   and breadth prepares graduates to   by teachers trained in disciplines
             the public university system.    think creatively about real-world   and often without an interdisciplin-
                The Central government, for its   problems from multiple angles and to   ary framework to teaching. In such a
             part, has embraced the move towards   communicate their ideas effectively   situation. what does it mean to build
             liberal education, calling on schools   to diverse audiences.     more such programs?
             and HEIs to adopt “holistic and mul-                                Some academics may view the
             tidisciplinary” curriculums that will   Does India need a new set of   move towards interdisciplinary
             prepare students to meet the demands   interdisciplinary liberal arts   education as an unfair critique of
             of a rapidly changing economic   programs?                        disciplinary specialisation. They
             landscape (NEP 2020). Policymak-  While interdisciplinarity is gaining   will argue, rightly, that scholars have
             ers worry that college graduates are   traction in policy discourses, educa-  long engaged with tools outside of
             entering the labour force without the   tors need to ask the question: what   their own fields. After all, most of
             skills they need to succeed profes-  do we actually mean by “interdisci-  the scientific discoveries and inven-
             sionally, and this concern is not   plinarity”? One simplistic approach   tions over the past century have been
             without merit. According to the 2021   to “doing interdisciplinarity” is to   from discipline specialists. Similarly,
             India Skills Report, less than 50 per-  add courses from the social sciences   a close look at any serious academic
             cent of all college graduates for that   and humanities onto the syllabi of   publications within a particular
             year were considered “employable”.   what were traditionally technical   discipline shows that research has
             If the India Skills Report is accu-  universities. This approach, in theory,   already been interdisciplinary, if not
             rate, this means that millions of new   could lead STEM students to serious   transdisciplinary, for quite some time.
             degree-holders could find themselves   introspection about the pedagogical   In this case, what does this new call
             unemployed in 2023.              limitations of their parent discipline.   for interdisciplinary education aim to
                A Liberal Arts education trains   More often, however, this “add hu-  achieve? Will it dilute disciplinary ex-
             students to think critically, creatively,   manities and stir” tactic is greeted by   pertise and water down competency?
             and compassionately about the world   scepticism and apathy from STEM   We do need specialists and experts in
             and themselves. The most pressing   students who view such initiatives as   particular fields – can interdisciplin-
             issues of our time — climate change,   costly impositions.        ary liberal arts provide this depth to
             artificial intelligence, cybersecurity,   On the other hand, students in the   have mastery in a discipline?
             social inequality, public health, urban   social science and humanities streams   Another set of questions concern-
             growth, rural development, and   rarely have any engagement with nat-  ing liberal arts programs in India
             challenges to democratic institu-  ural sciences or technical disciplines.   is with respect to the length of the
             tions -- cannot be addressed by any   Unlike in the STEM disciplines, there   programs. Students and parents may
             one discipline alone. That is why a   are few models in the Indian context   regard a four-year degree in the arts,
             Liberal Arts program aims to equip   where arts and humanities students   sciences and humanities with suspi-
             students with disciplinary training   engage seriously with the natural   cion, wondering if the additional year
             as well as a rigorous, interdisciplin-  sciences. Even in contexts where   will add any benefit. The cost of such
             ary foundation that spans the natural   students are introduced to multiple   programs -- in terms of tuition and
             sciences, social sciences, arts, and   disciplines, individual courses largely   opportunity -- also raises questions
             humanities. This emphasis on depth   exist as independent entities, taught   about access and equity. It is often

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