Page 20 - EducationWorld March 2023
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Education Briefs
MIT MoU signing spree see the contributions this program is foundational courses in economics,
making towards improving gender and at Virginia Tech, they will take
Manipal (udupi), february 27. The diversity in tech, and look forward to for courses in big data economics, fi-
Manipal Academy of Higher Educa- welcoming these future women lead- nancial institutions, behavioural eco-
tion’s Manipal Institute of Technol- ers into the ecosystem,” said Shiv nomics, and managerial economics.
ogy (MIT) has signed MoUs with Venkataraman, VP/GM, Google, “This partnership between NMIMS
Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), speaking on the occasion. and Virginia Tech represents a col-
National Agriculture and Food Re- laboration between two leaders in the
search Organization (NARO), Japan, Santosh Trophy winners field of economics and opens up new
and Institute of Defence Scientists and possibilities for students to develop a
Technologists (IDST) and Elcom In- Bengaluru, march 4. The Karnataka global perspective and cutting-edge
novation — both based in Bengaluru. state football team defeated Megha- skills,” said Prof. Amita Vaidya,
The partnerships with UMP (Ma- laya 3-2 to bring the Santosh Trophy Director of NMIMS Sarla Anil Modi
laysia) and NARO (Japan) will enable home after 54 years. This is India’s School of Economics, speaking on the
students and faculty at MIT to collab- biggest tournament in senior national occasion.
orate on research projects, redefine football and was played in Saudi Ara-
pedagogies and enhance knowledge bia. SoME-Ahmedabad U
exchange. Likewise, the partnership Shukla Bose, founder of the
with IDST and Elcom Innovation will NGO Parikrma Humanity Founda- agreement
integrate work-based learning into the tion, which runs four free-of-charge
curriculum. schools with an aggregate enrolment Bengaluru, february 14. The Beng-
“Over the past decade, we have of 2,000 children in Bengaluru, claims aluru-based School of Meaningful
partnered with over 80 international some credit for this win. “The coach Experiences (SoME), a tech-enabled
institutions. Our association with of the Karnataka team is Ravi Babu, education and soft skills development
NARO and UMP is aimed at building Head of Sports at Parikrma. He has start-up, signed a partnership agree-
strong research capabilities and de- built a formidable football team in ment with Ahmedabad University’s
veloping joint learning programmes. Parikrma, and we loaned him to the Amrut Mody School of Management.
We hope our alliance with IDST and Karnataka State Football Association Under the agreement, SoME will of-
Elcom will generate skill-based learn- for the Santosh Trophy matches. Our fer its first-of-its-type Oratory Pro-
ing opportunities for our students,” joy does not end there. One of the gramme christened Keynote, specially
said Dr. (Cdr). Anil Rana, director, star members of the Karnataka foot- designed for CXOs, start-up founders
MIT, speaking on the occasion. ball team is Nikhil, who is a Parikrma and corporate leaders. The 20-hour
alumnus,” says Bose. programme will be offered in the hy-
TalentSprint Women brid mode with a sizeable on-campus
Engineers program Dual degree Masters “Keynote is a unique programme
program to empower corporate leaders with
Bengaluru, february 22. TalentSprint, strong communication skills. No mat-
a global edtech company, launched the Mumbai, february 10. NMIMS Uni- ter what industry you are in, if you are
fifth edition of its Women Engineers versity’s Sarla Anil Modi School of a leader — or aspire to be one — you
(WE) program supported by Google Economics, Mumbai announced the need to learn to listen with curios-
Inc. The program aims to identify, se- launch of a new dual degree pro- ity and speak with clarity and confi-
lect, train, and nurture 200 first-year gramme in collaboration with Virginia dence,” said Rakesh Godhwani,
women engineering students across Polytechnic Institute and State Uni- founder & CEO, SoME, speaking on
the country to become globally com- versity, USA (Virginia Tech). Under the occasion.
petitive software engineers. The pro- the two-year Master of Science (eco- Added Sankarshan Basu, Dean
gram offers 100 percent fees waiver nomics) degree programme, students of the Amrut Mody School of Manage-
and Rs.100,000 cash scholarship to will study one year at NMIMS, Mum- ment: “Effective communication is
every selected student. bai and the next in Virginia Tech’s what differentiates a successful leader
“We are pleased to continue sup- campus in Blacksburg. Students will from a not-so-successful one. This is
porting TalentSprint in its notewor- be selected on the basis of an admis- all the more important in the VUCA
thy efforts to create opportunities for sion test and personal interview joint- world, where everything is volatile
students underrepresented in tech ly conducted by NMIMS and Virginia and needs extra attention. A slip of
and place them on a path for success- Tech. the tongue could cost millions directly
ful future careers. We’re delighted to At NMIMS, students will cover and billions indirectly.”