Page 134 - EW-December-1-31-2024-merged
P. 134


         Blended learning to shape

         future-ready children

                                                                               A.K. SRIKANTH

            N TODAY’S RAPIDLY CHANGING WORLD, THE ed-     By blending traditional pedagogies
            ucation system requires radical reform. The question
            of whether to persist with long-established traditional   with latest technology innovations,
         Ipedagogies or fully embrace modern technological ad-  educators can ensure that children are
         vances is often at the centre of education debates. But the
         reality is that children need more than just one pedagogy.   academically successful and capable of
         They need well-rounded education that enables emotional,   navigating a challenging new world
         social, and intellectual development and tech-driven learn-
         ing that equips them with adaptability to thrive in a dy-
         namic global environment.                        builds the foundation for future development. By blending
           By blending traditional best teaching-learning practices   traditional pedagogies with modern technology, teachers
         with modern tech innovations, educators can ensure that   can accelerate the cognitive, emotional and social devel-
         children are not only academically successful but also ca-  opment of children to enable them to flourish within and
         pable of navigating a diverse and increasingly challenging   beyond classrooms.
         world. This balanced approach creates opportunities for   Parent-teacher collaboration. Apart from facilitating
         students to build essential life skills and prepare for the   parent-teacher communication, digital tools enable teach-
         complexities of the future. Such blended education is no   ers to provide parents with progress milestones, updated
         longer a choice; it is a necessity to empower generation next   reports and assessments, and enable transparency and
         for success in competitive and complex workplaces.  clear communication. This helps parents make informed
           Value of traditional learning. Traditional pedago-  decisions about how best to support children’s learning at
         gies remain integral to education because they develop life   home. It also enables web-based conferencing and guides
         skills critical for youngest children’s development. Activi-  parents to access resources  such as books and conferences,
         ties such as storytelling, group play, and cultural knowledge   while facilitating easy interaction between school and home
         enable them to develop empathy, manage emotions, laying   environments.
         the foundation for healthy interactions in adult life.  Building resilience and adaptability for the future.
           Moreover, traditional pedagogies emphasise physi-  Blended learning helps children to develop resilience and
         cal play, vital for developing fitness, communication, and   adaptiveness. In this VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex
         spatial awareness. Engaging with building blocks, puzzles,   and ambiguous) age, capability to think analytically, adapt
         and outdoor activities encourages children to explore their   to new situations, and solve complex problems have become
         environment while promoting creativity, problem-solving,   critical. Integrating traditional practices with technology
         and critical thinking — vital for intellectual development.   will enable children to develop important 21st century skills.
         Human interaction through communication and coopera-  Yet balancing traditional pedagogies with latter-day
         tive learning, teaches children to work together and express   digital technologies is not without challenges. It’s already
         themselves effectively.                          well-established that excessive exposure to digital devices
         Role of modern technology in learning. While tradi-  can negatively impact children’s physical and cognitive de-
         tional teaching-learning pedagogies are important, modern   velopment and adversely affect their posture, eyesight, and
         education technology also offers significant benefits. The   attention spans. Therefore, it’s essential to balance digital
         Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the value of digital learn-  screen time with hands-on experiences, physical activity,
         ing in maintaining education continuity, with flexibility and   and creative exercises to eliminate tech overload and ensure
         adaptability. Without their attending physical classrooms,   children’s holistic growth and development. Responsible
         technology enabled children to continue learning. Since   utilisation of digital technologies has become vitally impor-
         then, it has become clear that STEAM (science, technology,   tant. They enhance learning without replacing the advan-
         engineering, art, and math) education is vital to arouse chil-  tages of traditional classroom education.
         dren’s curiosity and develop critical thinking skills. New-  The  benefits  of  blended  learning  will  also  empower
         age exercises such as digital coding and interactive games   teachers. With routine administrative tasks taken care of by
         strengthen independent thinking and problem-solving ca-  digital devices and AI (artificial intelligence), teachers can
         pabilities of children.                          focus on teaching while learning themselves and reigniting
           Modern technology also empowers teachers by providing   the joy of teaching and nurturing children.
         real-time feedback through digital platforms. This allows   By combining traditional pedagogies with modern tech-
         teachers to customise lesson plans to meet every child’s   nology, school managements have the opportunity to cre-
         unique needs and makes the teaching-learning process for   ate joyful teaching-learning environments that enable the
         teacher and pupil more enjoyable.                emotional, social and intellectual development of children.
           Early childhood is a formative period for learning, as it   (A.K. Srikanth is the Bengaluru-based CEO, KLAY Preschools and Daycare)

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