Page 137 - EW-December-1-31-2024-merged
P. 137
so that even mediocre subcontinent into the the third titled ‘Virtuous bankrupt communist ide-
graduates transform into world’s most verdant and Cycle Ignited by Private ology less out of conviction
good teachers. A must- prosperous patch of earth. Investment’ in which he than personal advance-
read chapter for all educa- For this devoutly to be reiterates that private ment and aggrandizement
tors. wished consummation, investment and free objectives. 21st century
Subramanian’s third Subramanian’s wish-list enterprise are the primary India’s most empower-
pillar for underpinning includes minimising gov- drivers of consumption, ing and too-long buried
national development ernment interference in jobs and growth. To fuel resource, is its native spirit
is titled ‘Ethical Wealth business, creative destruc- private investment, a of free enterprise, and self-
Creation’ which makes tion of zombie busi- strong financial sector is learning capabilities of its
a clarion call for Adam ness enterprises, wealth necessary as is an efficient population.
Smith’s “invisible hand creation by empowering education system to This volume — despite
of markets” to be “wed- instead of rubbishing develop India’s huge and its intimidating number of
ded to the hand of ethics”. entrepreneurs, boosting high-potential human charts, graphs and calculi
This chapter is essentially innovation and privatiza- resource. — is a timely reminder that
an unambiguous call for tion of public sector enter- Subramanian’s four developed nation status
reawakening the coun- prises, most of whom are pillars of national develop- and a $55 trillion economy
try’s ancient tradition in the red and require fre- ment need to be accorded by 2047 is not mission im-
of free markets and free quent budgetary bailouts. deep consideration by all possible. If the neta-babu
enterprise, which until A perfect prescription. right-thinking citizens. For brotherhood which has
British imperialism and This clear-minded too long, the development proved that it cannot lead
Nehruvian neta-babu economist’s fourth pillar debate has been clouded or follow, at very least, gets
socialism laid us low, had of national development by woke leftists and closet out of the way.
transformed the Indian is a reinforcement of commies enamoured of DILIP THAKORE