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P. 140


         Anti-national persecution                        dice. For several years your editors have been bombard-
                                                          ing letters, emails and other appeals upon Nadar for the
                                                          tiny favour of signing up his several education institutions
           intelligentsia and media that they haven’t smelt an   as subscribers (Rs.2,500 per annum) of this publication
         IAmerican Deep State rat in the persecution of India’s   and perhaps confer a few crumbs of his laden table by
                                                          way of advertising. Alas, without response.
         premier infrastructure builder Gautam Adani. In Febru-
                                                             Perhaps busy with donating Rs.5.9 crore per day,
         ary last year, Hindenburg Research, a US-based self-con-  Nadar is unaware that Nadar institution academics rou-
         fessed short-seller firm with five employees and no fixed
         address, charged Adani with using offshore shell com-  tinely rain press releases, essays and interview requests
         panies to drive up prices of listed shares of Adani Group   upon this struggling publication, some of which have
                                                          been published free of charge. Moreover, at the recent
         companies to enable the tycoon to inflate his borrowing
         limits. Now the US Department of Justice (DOJ) has filed   EW India School Ranking Awards staged in Delhi, Col.
                                                          Karunakaran — Nadar’s trusted lieutenant/emissary —
         charges against Adani for raising finance in the US to
         bribe government officials in India — a grave transgres-  was present to receive awards and free-of-charge five-star
         sion of American law. This is rich considering American   hospitality on behalf of Shiv Nadar School, Gurugram
                                                          ranked among the Top 5 co-ed schools countrywide.
         firms and government agencies such as the CIA (Central
                                                             According to the Hurun India list this IT tycoon is
         Intelligence Agency) are past masters of bribery and sub-  brimming over with charitable impulses. Yet our experi-
         orning individuals and governments abroad.
           Why are Yanks and closet communists in India — and   ence is quite the contrary.
         especially the Congress party’s hereditary leader Ra-
         hul Gandhi — after Adani’s blood? Because Adani has   Infrastructure importance
         emerged as India’s most successful infrastructure builder
         — seaports, airports, highways, cement, green energy and
         conventional power plants — and has started winning in-  NE OF THE REASONS WHY HIGHER ED aca-
         frastructure construction projects all over the world, and   demics tend to scorn this upstream-swimming
         his efficient companies are threatening American firms.   Opublication is your editors’ unrelenting insistence
           A charge that business illiterate Bolshies routinely   for the quarter century past, to raise annual national
         make against Adani is that he is being heavily backed   outlay (Centre plus states) for education to 6 percent of
         by the BJP/ NDA government at the Centre and Prime   GDP as recommended by the high-powered Kothari Com-
         Minister Modi in particular. Evidently they are unaware   mission way back in 1967, and to allocate a major share of
         that post-war Japan’s zaibatsu companies and Korea’s   it to early childhood and primary education. Against this,
         chaebols which are now global conglomerates, were even   the foolish neta-babu brotherhood which has ruled this
         closer to and more heavily backed by government. Nor   unfortunate country with an iron hand since indepen-
         have they figured out that the Adani Group is India’s an-  dence, has averaged a mere 3.5 percent. This fatal negli-
         swer to China’s transnational Belt and Road Initiative.   gence has reduced post-independent India to an also-ran
           Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi is amazed that   in the global development race.
         Modi promotes Adani companies abroad. Surely it’s part   The majority of academic dons punch drunk with
         of his job description? Unfortunately this prize duffer is   bankrupt communist ideology, argue that “input doesn’t
         still wrapped in the socialist era mindset during which the   result in output” and “expenditure efficiency” are magic
         PM was obliged to equally promote Indian — especially   mantras of the education sector. However your editors
         public sector — companies abroad. Even if they brought   believe that given the extraordinary self-learning capabili-
         disgrace to the country with shoddy project execution.       ties of India’s children, if provided supportive, enabling
                                                          infrastructure, they could suo motu transform the country
                                                          into a high-productivity nation.
         Prejudiced philanthropist                        and games are testimony to the self-learning capabilities
                                                             Latter day success stories from the world of sports
                                                          of India’s children and youth. In cricket, Yeshsahvi
               CCORDING TO THE RECENTLY PUBLISHED         Jaiswal was obliged to sleep rough in the maidans of
               EdelGive-Hurun India Philanthropy List, digital
         Atech tycoon Shiv Nadar, promoter-chairman of    Mumbai and vend snacks and savouries, before his
                                                          self-learning capability transformed him into a global
         HCL Ltd (market valuation: Rs.5.13 trillion) is India’s
         most generous philanthropist having donated Rs.2,153   batting sensation. Moreover from Bihar, India’s most
         crore (Rs.5.9 crore per day) to mainly education chari-  educationally backward state, 13-year-old Vaibhav
                                                          Suryavanshi has emerged as another batting superstar.
         table causes in 2024. Runner-up Azim Premji, promoter-
         Chairman of Wipro Ltd with Rs.1,000 crore and Mukesh   Dozens of stars in other sports have emerged as world
                                                          champions without any infrastructure or other support
         Ambani, chairman of Reliance Industries with Rs.407
         crore are distant second and third respectively.    from government in their formative K-12 years.
           Curiously although the Nadars’ munificence is centred   We believe that if provided half-decent enabling
         around education — Shiv Nadar University, Greater Noi-  infrastructure in government schools which have an
         da, Shiv Nadar School, Gurgaon and Faridabad and SSN   aggregate enrolment of 1.4 million children per year,
                                                          India could produce millions of world champions. Pity the
         University, Kalavakkam, Tamil Nadu — all unsparingly
         constructed and furbished model institutions of learning,   neta-babu brotherhood and their compliant apologists in
         this champion of education is not above irrational preju-  the academy can’t figure this out.

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