Page 34 - EducationWorld March 2023
P. 34
Institution Profile
transformed into Maynooth College and in 1910 into an af- SCHOLASTIC OPTIONS AT MU
filiated college of the National University of Ireland (NUI).
Nine decades later, the Universities Act, 1997, restructured Maynooth University’s three faculties offer a wide range of
NUI and Maynooth College was designated an autonomous undergraduate and postgrad programmes:
institution of NUI — National University of Ireland May- Faculty of Arts, Celtic Studies & Philosophy. Ancient classics,
nooth, aka Maynooth University. English, history, media studies, music, philosophy, School
In recent years, MU is attracting growing interest from of Celtic Studies & School of Modern Languages, Litera-
students in India especially for study programmes in data tures and Cultures
science and analytics, business and computer science. Over Faculty of Social Sciences. Adult and community education,
the past two years it has fielded 800-1,000 admission ap- anthropology, applied social studies, design innovation,
plications annually from the subcontinent. “With Ireland economics, education, Froebel Department of Primary
being the only English-speaking country in the European and Early Childhood Education, geography, international
Union post Brexit, Eire has become a popular higher stud- development, School of Law and Criminology, School of
ies destination for Indian students to whom we guarantee Business, sociology
excellent Irish hospitality. Our academic reputation is im- Faculty of Science & Engineering. Biology, chemistry, comput-
pressive. Maynooth is among the top 5 percent universi- er science, electronic engineering, experimental physics,
ties worldwide in terms of research output and academic mathematics and statistics, Maynooth International Engi-
impact,” says Dr. Emmanuel Kypraios, Director (Un- neering College, psychology & theoretical physics
dergraduate Teaching and Learning). Tuition fees (annual): €13,500-15,000
Maynooth. Sited a mere 25 km from Dublin, Maynooth Living expenses: €10,000
(pop.15,000) is a varsity town with a charming historical NB: €= Rs.88
heritage. MU apart, it also hosts St. Patrick’s College, a pon-
tifical university and Ireland’s sole Roman Catholic semi-
nary, Maynooth Castle and Carton House. The town’s other turf floodlit playing fields, and a full-sized FIFA-approved
historical buildings are on the university’s South Campus, 3G synthetic pitch for Gaelic games, soccer and rugby.
built in Georgian and neo-Gothic revival style. Unspoiled Moreover there are over 100 student clubs and societies
Irish countryside and spectacular scenery are within easy offering a range of extra-curricular activity options.
driving distance. Admission. The minimum eligibility requirement for admis-
With Dublin a short train/bus ride away, students are sion into MU’s undergraduate programmes is completion of
never short of entertainment and shopping options. The class XII/Plus Two with an average of 75 percent plus and
capital of Ireland, Dublin offers all the amenities of a na- minimum 70 percent in English language (for CBSE and
tional administrative capital while retaining its engaging CISCE boards). For graduates of state schools the minimum
small town flavor renowned for its highbrow art galleries, is 75 percent in English. Students who don’t meet this Eng-
museums, theatres, shops, restaurants, nightclubs and zoo- lish proficiency criterion are required to submit IELTS test
logical gardens. scores (6.5 minium). Admission applications are accepted
Maynooth enjoys a mild oceanic climate. Winters are between October and July every year.
cold and windy, with an average temperature of 8 C while For admission into postgraduate programmes, a bach-
summers are cool, averaging 18 C. elor’s degree from a recognised university and IELTS test
Campus facilities. MU hosts two campuses — North and South, scores are mandatory.
connected by a pedestrian crossing on Kilcock Road. Set For further information, contact Prerna Bhargava Ph:
within sparkling green parklands, South Campus houses +91-9871649997, e-mail: ; web-
vintage 19th century heritage buildings including the cha- site:
pel, National Science Museum and the Russell Library. Residential accommodation. Students are free to choose from
North Campus offers modern teaching, research, accommo- a range of on-campus housing options including the
dation, and student support facilities and houses a majority 111-apartments Riverside complex, 240-bed Village, Rye
of the university’s academic departments, lecture theatres, Hall and Courtyard Hall (with facilities for special needs
the Students Union, Sports Centre, Student Services Centre, students) and apartments. All residences are wi-fi enabled
Phoenix restaurant and the expansive University Library. and equipped with shared kitchen, lounge area and laundry
The latter houses 460,000 print volumes, 850,000 e-books, facilities. For students preferring to live off-campus, the
95,000 e-journals, and 300 databases. university’s Homefinder Service provides a private accom-
Evidently the Irish take sports education seriously. The modation listing.
university’s Phoenix Sports Centre is equipped with a large Degree programmes. The varsity offers 83 undergraduate and
sports hall, basketball, volleyball and badminton courts, 70 postgraduate programmes (see box).
gymnasium and rooms for martial arts and dance training.
Integral to the Sports Centre are three sand-carpet natural RESHMA RAVISHANKER