Page 38 - EducationWorld March 2023
P. 38

Cover Story


         With a 13-member National Steering Committee headed
         by Dr. K. Kasturirangan giving final touches to the NCFSE,
         EW invited several eminent school leaders to share their
         great and small expectations

         Summiya Yasmeen

         E                IGHTEEN YEARS AFTER THE National   — testimony to Dr. Kasturirangan’s commitment to detail

                                                             The new NCF is being presented in four installments
                          Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005
                                                          — the National Curriculum Framework for Foundational
                          was promulgated by the Congress-led
                          UPA government, a new NCF for 260
                                                          Stage (NCFFS); National Curriculum Framework for School
                                                          Education (NCFSE); National Curriculum Framework for
                          million school children growing and
                          learning in a fast-changing primary-
                                                          Framework for Adult Education (NCFAE). The last install-
                          secondary education system revolu-
                          tionised by new pedagogies and digi-  Teacher Education (NCFTE) and National Curriculum
                                                          ment of NCF is expected to be completed by end 2023.
         tal technologies, is in the final stages of completion.   “After completion of the very important NCFFS late
            A 13-member National Steering Committee headed by   last year, NCFSE is being finalised. The main objectives
         Dr. K. Kasturirangan, former chairman of ISRO and   of NCFSE are to shift the focus of primary, secondary and
         chairperson of the eponymous committee which prepared   higher secondary education from rote to applied learning
         the 484-page draft report on which the 66-page National   and critical thinking, making teaching-learning multi-dis-
         Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is based, is giving the final   ciplinary and holistic, and providing direction for smooth
         touches to the National Curriculum Framework for School   transition of K-12 education from the 10+2 to the new
         Education (NCFSE), the second installment of the new   5+3+3+4 schooling system recommended by NEP 2020.
         NCF.                                             NCFSE will be more than a curriculum framework, it will
            The first installment — the 360-page National Curricu-  also be a hands-on teacher’s manual for curriculum imple-
         lum Framework for Foundational Stage (NCFFS) for chil-  mentation in primary-secondary and higher secondary
         dren in the three-eight age group — was formally launched   classrooms,” says Dr. Chetan Singai, Chief Consultant,
         on October 20 last year. NCFFS was widely welcomed   Technical Secretariat of the Union education ministry,
         by early childhood education experts for unambiguously   which is overseeing the NCF formulation process. An alum
         prescribing early childhood care and education (ECCE)   of Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, Dr. Singai is also
         through play, conversation, stories, toys, music, art and   associate professor at the School of Social Sciences of Ra-
         crafts.                                          maiah University, Bengaluru.

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