Page 50 - EW-August-2024 PDF _Neat
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Cover Story
moths are investing huge amounts for
training new recruits (Indian IT firms
spend an average Rs.1.97 crore to train
employees every year) and signing up
their most promising employees for
company-paid upskilling programmes
to improve workplace productivity
and competitiveness.
According to Skilling Today, a
global report released by talent mo-
bility provider Randstad RiseSmart,
in 2020, Indian companies led cor-
porates worldwide in providing
skills training programmes to their
employees. An estimated 77 percent
of companies surveyed in India said
“they implemented programmes for
employees to either upskill or reskill
themselves to meet changing busi- Neeti Sharma: productivity surge forecast
ness needs” (cf. global average of 68
percent). competence and training. Our Team- three years duration in mechanotrics,
F EAR OF OBSOLESCENCE, demic year 2020, almost 87 percent technology, and health, life and ap-
Lease survey showed that in the pan-
hospitality and tourism, information
being sidelined and/or
plied sciences, among other vocations.
of working professionals invested in
Over the decade past, TLU has cer-
pink-slipped, in a rapidly
was not restricted to IT employees but
changing jobs marketplace self-learning and upskilling. And this tified over 400,000 personnel. Ab ini-
is driving a rising number of working also shopfloor workers in industry. tio in 2014, the university launched an
professionals to voluntarily sign up This is a very beneficial development apprenticeship programme with the
for upskilling programmes to remain as it promises a productivity surge Union ministry of skill development
contemporary and acquire additional in India Inc,” says Neeti Sharma, and entrepreneurship (MSDE) — the
skills. A 2023 report of Internshala, CEO of TeamLease Digital Pvt. Ltd TeamLease Degree Apprenticeship
a Gurugram-based edtech offering (estb. 2000), an IT industry place- (TLDA). Under this programme ap-
students internships and online skill ments company and subsidiary of prentices are placed in companies for
training programmes, reveals a re- TeamLease Services Ltd, the country’s periods ranging from three-36 months
markable 6.3-fold increase over the premier personnel placements
five years past in the number of stu- company which provides skilled Skills education deficit
dents opting for online certification technicians including accoun-
courses to enhance their skillsets. The tants, data entry/back office, Upper secondary % of
most sought after upskilling courses BPO/customer care, front of- graduates in workforce
are web development, data science, fice/receptionists, hospitality vocational with formal
machine learning and AI. managers, chefs, chauffeurs etc (%) training
Similarly, Great Learning, a Beng- to industry. Moreover to shape Australia 51.4 NA
aluru-based edtech company, predicts and prepare personnel and in- Finland 67.8 70
that eight of ten Indian professionals formally skilled individuals, France 39.3 NA
in the manufacturing, engineering and the company has promoted
capital goods sectors are planning to TeamLease University, Vado- Germany 48.8 75
invest in upskilling programmes in dara (TLU, estb.2013), billed Japan 22.0 80
2025. as India’s first specialist skills South Korea 17.2 96
“Within industry and among work- university. United Kingdom 40.1 68
ing professionals and students, the Promoted as a PPP (public- United States NA 52
new mantra is skill, reskill and up- private partnership) enter- China 39.5 26
skill to secure promotions and best prise with the Gujarat state India 6.2 4.4
jobs. There’s new awareness that government, TLU offers over
the best jobs and corporate promo- 100 ‘work integrated learning’ (Source: OECD, EW compilation)
tions are heavily dependent on skills programmes of six months to