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Cover Story

         and  paid  stipends  of  Rs.13,000-                                         work   goals.   SGSU’s
         15,000  per  month,  earning-while-                                         mission is to bridge the
         learning. Since then, TLU claims to                                         academia-industry gap
         have placed 1 million apprentices in                                        through   curriculums
         over 150 job roles in sectors such as                                       designed in close co-
         hospitality,  education,  healthcare,                                       operation with industry,
         pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, re-                                         flexible  work-integrated
         tail, construction, logistics, automo-                                      degree programmes and
         tive, etc, under the TLDA programme                                         incubation support to
         with a transition rate of 98 percent                                        start-ups.  We  have  al-
         into formal employment.                                                     ready  designed  and  in-
         P        from  the  TLU-Gujarat                                             programmes anchored
                                                                                     troduced several degree
                  ERHAPS TAKING A CUE
                                                                                     by well-reputed industry
                  government skills devel-
                                                                                     our B.Tech data science
                  opment  model,  several   AISECT's Santosh Choubey (centre) & Chaturvedi (right)  partners.  For  instance,
         state governments and progressive                                           degree programme is
         edupreneurs have promoted higher   to dispense skills-based training to   designed  in  partnership  with  IBM;
         education skilling institutions. Among   2 million youth by 2029. Under this   BBA  in  hospitality  and  restaurant
         them: Vishwakarma Skills University,   partnership, AISECT provides short-  management with the National Res-
         Palwal  (Haryana,  estb.2016);  Delhi   term  certificate  and  diploma  pro-  taurants Association of India and two
         Skill  and  Entrepreneurship  Univer-  grammes in ‘focused trades’ includ-  diploma programmes in automobile
         sity  (2020);  Assam  Skill  University   ing computer hardware maintenance,   engineering in collaboration with
         (2021);  Kaushalya  Skill  University,   hardware and networking, livelihood   Hero  Motors  and  Hyundai,”  says
         Gujarat  (2021);  state  government-  & vocational training, banking, finan-  Siddharth Chaturvedi, Director of
         run Maharashtra State Skills Univer-  cial services & insurance, agriculture,   the AISECT Group and Chancellor of
         sity (2022); Seacom Skills University,   teacher training, marketing & retail,   SGSU. Spread across a state-of-the-
         West Bengal (2014); Medhavi Skills   apparel & textiles, tourism & hospi-  art 25-acre campus in Bhopal, SGSU
         University,  Sikkim  (2021)  and  the   tality, telecom, beauty & wellness and   has signed up 800 students within ten
         private sector Lamrin Tech Skill Uni-  construction.              months.
         versity, Punjab (2022).            “There’s huge and rising demand   Another pioneer skills  develop-
           Arguably the most promising of the   for professionally delivered skills   ment-focused private higher educa-
         new crop of skilling institutions, which   education.  While  AISECT  universi-  tion institution is Centurion Uni-
         if they are successful could spark a   ties have always focused on providing   versity,  Bhubaneswar  (estb.2010)
         great and much needed productivity   industry-oriented degree programmes   promoted by visionary educationist
         leap in India Inc, is the privately pro-  with skilling courses as electives and   Dr. Mukti Kant Mishra. Centurion
         moted SCOPE Global Skills Univer-  short-term diploma programmes, we   offers its students traditional three/
         sity,  Bhopal  (SGSU)  of  the  AISECT   discerned a need for a specialist skills   four-year degree programmes with
         Group. AISECT owns and/or manages   university to meet the demand for   the option to sign up for several skill-
         five skills-focused universities includ-  industry-aligned education and train-  based courses as electives. Moreover,
         ing CV Raman University in Bilaspur   ing. Therefore, last year we promoted   it  also  runs  a  full-fledged  School  of
         (Chhattisgarh); Rabindranath Tagore   the SCOPE Global Skills University as   Vocational Training providing short-
         University, Bhopal; AISECT Univer-  India’s first higher education institu-  term  certificate  and  diploma  pro-
         sity,  Hazaribagh  (Jharkhand);  Dr.   tion aligned with NEP 2020 and the   grammes in several trades and voca-
         C.V. Raman University, Vaishali (Bi-  National Skills Qualification Frame-  tions in its learning centres in Odisha,
         har) and Dr. C.V. Raman University in                             Andhra Pradesh and Assam.
         Khandwa (Madhya Pradesh).        Following the TeamLease-           A major contributory factor boost-
           Established in 1985 by NIT-Bhopal                               ing skills education countrywide is the
         alum and skilling evangelist Santosh   Gujarat model, several state   revamp and restructuring of NSDC,
         Kumar Choubey, the AISECT (All   governments and enlightened      which is pulling out all stops to dis-
         India Society for Electronics & Com-                              seminate NSDC-certified skilling pro-
         puter  Technology)  Group  has  also   edupreneurs have promoted   grammes in partnership with properly
         partnered with the Central govern-  higher education skilling     vetted higher education institutions.
         ment’s  National  Skill  Development                                Promoted in 2008 as a joint Cen-
         Corporation (NSDC) and set a target   institutions                tral government and India Inc enter-

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