Page 104 - 100 Best Loved Poems - Teaching Unit
P. 104

“Miniver Cheevey”
               by Edwin Arlington Robinson, pages 82-83


               assailed – attacked
               albeit – even though; although
               diction – choice of words
               incessantly – without stopping

               1.    Why does Miniver Cheevy drink and accomplish so little?

                     Miniver Cheevy accomplishes very little because he is fixated on how much  more exciting
                     life must have been in earlier centuries.

               2.    What does Robinson refer to when he uses the words “iron clothing”?

                     Robinson refers to suits of armor.

               3.    The last two lines of the next-to-last stanza read: “Miniver thought, and thought, and
                     thought, And thought about it.”

                     What is the effect of the repetition of the phrase “and thought”? Why do you think
                     Robinson did not simply write “Miniver thought about it repeatedly”?

                     Answers may vary. Example: The repetition mimics Miniver’s actions, allowing the reader
                     to truly feel the passing and wasting of time as Miniver dwells on his state.

               4.    What are the possible allusions in Miniver Cheevy’s name?

                     Answers may vary. Example: Miniver could be a reference to Minerva, the Roman goddess
                     of wisdom (the Greek Athens). Cheevy might be a pun on achieve. These combined could
                     indicate that the subject of the poem is intelligent, but does not actually do much but think
                     and dream.

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