Page 135 - 100 Best Loved Poems - Teaching Unit
P. 135
“Why So Pale and Wan, Fond Lover?”
by Sir John Suckling, pages 15-16
wan – weary, ill, unhappy
prithee – please; alternate to “I pray thee”
1. What is the speaker’s tone by the end of the poem?
2. To whom is the speaker addressing?
“To Lucasta, Going to the Wars”
by Richard Lovelace, page 16
nunnery – a home for religious women
inconstancy – unfaithfulness, infidelity
1. The speaker’s comparison of Lucasta to a nunnery is an example of what literary device?
2. Explain the metaphor present in the poem’s second stanza.
3. In the third stanza, “thou too shalt,” presents an example of what poetic sound device?
4. Within the speaker, what faith is stronger than his faith in the woman he loves?
5. According to the speaker, why should the woman not take offense to the fact that his faith in his
horse and weapons is stronger than his faith in her?