Page 139 - 100 Best Loved Poems - Teaching Unit
P. 139

“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”
               by Thomas Gray, pages 19-22

               knell – to summon
               droning – boring
               hamlet – home
               clarion – a medieval trumpet
               ply – carry out
               lisp – a speech impediment, slurred speech
               glebe – soil
               jocund – lighthearted
               disdainful – scornful
               annals – history books
               impute – to assign to, credit
               pealing – ringing
               genial – friendly
               circumscribed – confined
               ignoble – shameful
               sequester – isolate
               uncouth – uncivilized
               elegy – a poem of lament and sorrow
               forlorn – sad
               dirges – a funeral hymn

               1.    At what time of day does the poem take place?

               2.    To what sense does the second stanza appeal?

               3.    Yew trees were often planted in cemeteries. What is the "narrow cell" referred to in line

               4.    What time of day is it in the fifth stanza?

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