Page 23 - The Periodic Table Book
P. 23
Many space rockets use
liquid hydrogen as a fuel.
1. This chamber contains a
fuel called liquid hydrogen. The hydrogen reacts
with oxygen to form Delta IV rocket
2. This chamber contains extremely hot steam,
liquid oxygen, which helps which blasts out of the
the hydrogen burn. nozzle. This creates
thrust, which pushes
3. Pumps control the flow the rocket upwards.
of the liquids as they enter
the combustion chamber.
4. The combustion chamber is
where the liquids mix together,
Hydrogen-filled balloon
creating an explosion.
5. The nozzle emits hot vapour,
pushing the rocket upwards.
This balloon can rise high
into the atmosphere where
sensors gather information Margarine
about atmospheric pressure,
temperature, and wind speed.
This powerful rocket uses
Margarine is 45,460 litres (12,000 gal) of
liquid hydrogen as fuel.
made of vegetable Hydrogen peroxide
oils thickened by
adding hydrogen. This liquid is
used as a cleaner.
The This powerful
only waste created by fusing
explosion was
product hydrogen atoms.
of hydrogen fuel
is steam. This energy-
efficient bus runs
on a fuel cell fed
by hydrogen. Hydrogen bomb explosion
Hydrogen-powered bus
this element are fused together, releasing heat and can fly higher than air-filled ones. Supercold
light. New stars form inside nebulae – such as the liquid hydrogen is used as rocket fuel. Atoms of
Orion Nebula. They are clouds of hydrogen gas hydrogen fuse together to produce a lot of energy
that slowly collapse in on themselves. Hydrogen in hydrogen bomb explosions. Pure hydrogen is
gas is the lightest element of all, and much lighter also a clean energy source used to power some
than air. This is why hydrogen-filled balloons buses and cars. 21
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