Page 26 - The Periodic Table Book
P. 26
Li Lithium
Discovery: 1817
3 3 4 State: Solid
Alkali Metals Forms tiny amounts of dissolved Oyster mushrooms
This water contains
lithium minerals.
Lepidolite Drinking water
These mushrooms
absorb lithium
from the soil.
Prawns and other
shellfish absorb lithium
from seawater.
Purple crystals Shiny pure lithium
containing lithium
becomes dull when
it is exposed to air.
Bar of pure lithium refined in a laboratory
Lithium is the the lightest of all metals: contains millions of tonnes of dissolved lithium.
in fact, it can easily float on water. Pure Lithium is found in many foods, such as
lithium is very reactive and exists in nature mushrooms, prawns, nuts, and seeds. It also
only in minerals, such as lepidolite and has many everyday applications. Glass composed
petalite. Many lithium minerals dissolve of lithium is resistant to heat and is used in
24 well in water, and the world’s seawater scientific equipment, such as mirrors inside
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