Page 47 - The Periodic Table Book
P. 47
Fly Geyser is not a natural wonder. It was made the hot water broke through, creating a natural
by accident in 1964 when engineers were drilling fountain, or geyser. Over the decades, the calcium
a well to find a source of hot water. They did find a deposits have slowly built up. The central mound is
small reservoir of water that is heated by volcanic now 1.5 m (5 ft) tall and nearly 4 m (13 ft) wide. The
activity deep beneath the surface, but they chose scalding water that gushes out can reach a height
to cap the well and look elsewhere. Eventually, of 1.5 m (5ft).
044-045_Fly_Geyser_Calcium_DPS.indd 45 02/12/16 6:52 pm