Page 48 - The Periodic Table Book
P. 48
Sr Strontium
Discovery: 1790
38 38 50 State: Solid
Alkaline Earth Metals Strontianite Soft, brittle turns yellow in air. light during the day,
Some paints
This grey metal
strontium absorb
at night.
Crystals of pure strontium refined in a laboratory
This mineral
is found in some
Strontium was discovered in 1791 in a was called strontianite, and it is the main ore
mineral found near the Scottish village of strontium. Pure strontium was first extracted
of Strontian. The mineral burned with a by British chemist Humphry Davy in 1808, who
bright crimson flame, and Scottish chemist conducted an experiment using electricity to
Thomas Charles Hope studied it and found obtain the element from the mineral. Strontium
46 that it contained a new element. This mineral was once used in television screens, but today
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