Page 6 - HIP@Sesma Vol 1
P. 6

Owls don't have eyeballs.

  What they have instead are

  better described as eye tubes.

  Since they can't move these tubes

  back and forth, owls have developed incredible

  neck flexibility to be able to see the world

  around them. They can turn their heads a

  whopping 270 degrees, whereas humans can

  only manage about 180. As a result, owls have a

  special blood vessel system in their heads to

  keep fresh blood circulating to the brain when a

  quick head turn cuts off circulation.

                                         Heat is the deadliest

                                         weather condition.

                                        Tornadoes, hurricanes, and

  flooding can devastate entire towns at once, but

  the weather condition that proves deadliest to

  humans is actually heat. Looking at the numbers

  from the past 30 years, tornadoes caused an

  average of 70 deaths a year and flooding an

  average of 81, but heat caused an average of

  130 deaths a year. If you don't have access to air

  conditioning or sufficient water, excessive heat

  can be deadly.

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