Page 11 - Volume 2 Black Hair
P. 11
It is worth mentioning that chemical burns are like sunburn, they are
difficult to recognise at the time of application, but 4 hours after the
relaxer process if you have not washed the relaxer out properly, you will
find weeping sores appear. So never allow large portions of relaxer
cream to lay on the scalp or skin for any length of time, also if your client
complains of burning, do not delay rinse out the relaxer cream with cold
water until burning subsides, then wash it off immediately as it is already
too late. Once the relaxer cream is washed out apply Savlon burn cream
to the areas the client is complaining about. If you have covered the
clients scalp and it is swelling all over, do not hesitate take her to
Casualty right away for proper treatment for third degree burns.
Hair relaxers are the only products that will break down enough
disulphide bonds to straighten natural Black hair, ordinary Ammonia
Thiolygate solution that we use to reform Caucasian, Oriental and Asian
hair is not strong enough to break down enough disulphide bonds to
straighten Black hair.
The straightening ingredient in relaxers is Sodium Hydroxide which is a
derivative of the chemical called Quick Lime. Quick lime breaks down
the complete protein structure, so much so that it is used on mass graves
to dissolve the bodies. Obviously, Sodium Hydroxide is not as strong as
quick lime, but it needs to be treated with the utmost caution when using
it, keep it off the skin wherever possible, and if any gets in the client’s
eyes, do not let her rub them, rinse and rinse again and then take her to
the eye hospital.
Being an inventor of hair products, I spend a lot of time reading other
peoples patents, it seems from what I have read, that some hair colour