Page 4 - Volume 2 Black Hair
P. 4
We found the best way was to use a huge comb and do not try to section
at the scalp but open small areas with the comb and apply the relaxer
cream to within two inches from the scalp, once this was done, we would
comb the relaxer through the middle lengths and ends keeping the relaxer
off the scalp.
Then apply fresh relaxer to within 2mm from the scalp, comb through as
quickly as possible, flattening the hair to the scalp with the back of the
comb as you work through the whole head. Once straight neutralise by
shampooing out all the relaxer cream (6 or 7 shampoos). The hair is now
permanently straight and I recommend blow drying straight with a round
pure bristle brush. If you leave it to dry naturally it will stay straight but
swell in texture making it appear like straight frizz.
Six weeks later there is a re-growth to be dealt with; the Americans treat
it the same as if they were doing the head for the first time, apply relaxer
cream over the top of both the hair that has already been relaxed, and the
re-growth also. As I said earlier, they work it and get it off as quickly as
possible, getting the re-growth straight with as little damage to both the
re-growth and the hair that is already relaxed.
Before going to America and with no technical information available
here, when a client returned to have her re-growth straightened, I
developed this technique similar to tinting. First apply Vaseline around
the hairline, the tops of the ears and in the nape of the neck Fig1.